The casing of each bullet has to be taken and hidden away from prying eyes. they're quite reusable if you bothered to think of them in that manner. the bullet itself is of course a different story.
In-network (Part 2/?)
He gathers the brothers' clothes and stuffs them in bullet's backpack.
War on the dream world
The view followed the bullet as it flew through the air, the bullet missed. another tank fired back, the view followed the bullet. when the bullet got close, it switched to a first-person view of the first tank. the bullet missed.
Part 12 - Swim Practice
bullet pat the swan on the shoulder, then looked down at the cub between them.
Chapter 10: Awakened
Right at that moment, jethro shoots his bullet at me. the sudden burst of my discord ability takes effect on the bullet and it stops mid-air. wow, so that's what a shot bullet looks like.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Five
While i'm doing that, i need you an za to get that bullet into this cannon. can you do that?" adlis was shaking, but she still raised her head and nodded when she saw the bullet.
Shadows of the Past
Ein hagerer wolf mit namen bullet. er verkaufte waffen an so ziemlich jeden killer oder ripper aus deutschland. ob frisch im geschã¤ft oder alter hase, jeder konnte sich auf bullet verlassen.
Just a little release (Applesandwich commission)
Each time bullet pushed in two inches, he grew half an inch.
Marching songs #3
(a on the march song) they took the flying fortress up to 40000 feet up to 40000 feet and he ain't gona jump no more and the lord said "glory glory what a hell of a way to die with a rifle up your ass and a bullet
Shade vs Rinji: The Immortal Showdown - Part I
**Shade VS Rinji: An Immortal Showdown** _by Pyrohawk_ _Edits & Tweaks by RinjiPantera_ \* \* \* **Chapter I** Calmly walking through a remote forest hundreds of miles from civilization, an arctic anthro panther wandered amongst the...
Chapter 18: Retaliation
We covered behind the machine and fired dozens of rounds of bullets right at the men ahead of us, many of my bullets hitting there mark as three more men died on the spot.
Red Moon: Chapter 4
The bullet was entrenched into the bone that had partially healed over it before it reached a very special part of the bullet, a silver core. adjusting his grip, trevor put one hand on the wolf and readied himself to give the bullet a good strong tug.