Applejack replied as she gave the cyan blue pegasus a swat on the rump. "watch the merchandise a-j!" the cyan blue pegasus retorted with a slight blush before she turned to face the others. "okay, so here goes...
Land Sharks
The cyan juices making the hole nice and slick as k-2003's cyan colored sex is parted as a throbbing cyan sergal cock pushed out.
The Board of Shadows. Chapter 1: Prisoner of Lust
"cyan, these people want to use us as living toys. they're so much stronger than us. they could hurt us if we don't obey. i don't want this! i'm scared, cyan!
K-2003 Goes to College
The toy's cyan blue tongue for a brief moment escapes the toy's mouth as it yawns; the toy's body with its flowing cyan latex hair, claws, tail fluff and nipples on its moderately sized breasts, takes a few steps out of the mold.
[COMM] A Perfect Potion
From the other room, two more tentacles rose from the cauldron, glowing the same cyan as the first, one with a flared equine head and the other with a thick knot every foot down its length.
Tale 9-3 - Swagcorp's Colonization Policy 7
"solar cell efficiency is-" "-almost twenty percent higher-" "-then our original estimations." replied both cyan and cerulean. "how are the power reserves looking in the replicator's battery banks?" azure asked. "not good." cyan said.
The Sanguine Prince: Chapter Four
With a pained yelp, she rolled the furred drake onto her back, coiled back, and spat a large wad of cyan goo over his neck, pinning her to the rock.
Bathtub Mixology
The cyan substance he had become sometimes pressed against itself and other times just mixed back together.
End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 07
The mouse thinks and before he knows it, a flash of cyan light happens, spawning in his left hand a black long sword made out of sharp dragon scales; all outlined with the same blue cyan.
The Seventh Realm 00
Her fur is accented with thin cyan stripes on her outer arms, legs, back and long tail; cyan tufts cover the tip of her feline ears and are both vibrant and eye-catching.
Cynder's Infiltration Mission - NSFW
Eventually, the cyan dragoness removed her muzzle from cynder's folds as she admired her handiwork. "perfection~ you'd do nicely for my pet who was a bit frisky~" the cyan dragoness then noticed cynder panting and glaring at her as she laughed.
Fursonae X Machina: Episode 4 - Broken Wings
Mohiam commented as she walked along with cyan and the pelthonians towards cyan's office.