Important Memories - Singer

I half expected, with the delirium caused by pain, to see two watersingers, but there was indeed just me. blood began to pool around my paws, reddening my left forepaw due to the whiteness.

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Heart's Longing Message - Short Story

For some reason or another whenever i drifted back to sleep, possibly out of delirium, i would whisper to tal, "looks like i am coming home..." \*~the end~\*

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A mewtwo Story Chapter 2

And one could only guess what kind of insane delirium goes thorough his head now. \* \* \* mewtwo was led to an outside courtyard. there was dirt on the ground and there was also concrete in the familiar shape of a pokéball.

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Charizard X protection

Second after her command, the black charizard flew towards the grass type with full force and sent it flying, but chestnaught was still hanging on, deciding on a quick earthquake to try to get the charizard to faint, but the aim was a bit off due to his delirium

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Becoming (M/M) (Pt 4 of Full Transfer)

delirium. the cloud of painkillers. the hypnosis of the integration hardware training videos. when had he had the surgery? just now? hours ago? days? no, this was just limb fitting, weeks later.

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And all the world is torn asunder

Many times he had seen his brother fall into a state of manic delirium when his meds weren't refilled on time. but, this was different. his voice sounded more dreamlike then delirious. but it made him worry even more.

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Pulling off and opening her mouth, cane's cum shot out and maria happily swallowed as much as she could the rest she wiped off of her chin she fell back in a pure delirium. she came to her senses realizing that cane's nose was at her cunt.

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Stallion's Suitor

The hands are removed until he stills, and then they return, teasing him deeper into his delirium.



He blinked, the shock of it all bringing him momentarily out of his delirium. how could this be? he was meant to be immune to the taint how could he be...

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A Pup's Determination

But youthful terror and childish delirium made the little wolf keep on moving ahead, even as his steps found him growing closer and closer back to where he had started his journey from.

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Stählerne Liebe

Trixie war dem delirium nahe, als plötzlich stromschläge durch ihren unterleib peitschten. kreischend warf sie sich umher, was den blitz nur auf die andere seite trieb.

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