Hopeless Liberation Chapter 12

_someone like esme._ _ _ when was the last time i truly thought about esme, rather than recall her in a brief moment of despair? a few days? yes. that was right.


Aurora: Prologue

I am simply researching the elora that was so i can understand the esme that is. for science. for her. for me.

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Surgimorphs Chapter 9: Forces In Motion

(esme) i stood beside sasha at the check out counter in the local supermarket. we were a few towns away from where evan was and were currently working on another contract.

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Hopeless Liberation Chapter 2

Was this how esme felt when she taught me how to hunt and fight? if so, her last words about thinking of me as a son were now much more understandable.

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Bird: Part Three

Bird has been in his room for several days, and although he has been brought meals by the ever-silent giorgo, and brought a new white tunic by esme, he is not permitted to go out.

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Resurrection Pt1

esme wore her solid black cloak, and mendra was as usual topless with trousers. mendra spoke, the big cat taking a deep breath.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 23

As i was leisurely submerged into lustful delight, i began to wonder if esme and peter were able to resist santel's herbs.

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Under the hills, the evil lingers Pt1

Silverine and company would be when she was gone, and mendra and esme would never have to set eyes on her, so they would be too. it was a win-win-win situation.

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Surgimorphs Chapter 10: When You Mess With A Fox (1/3)

Part two: sasha and esme are far closer to their target then they realize. what will happen when they get to close?

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Bird: Part One

Giorgo and the other - esme - spread his wings out, beginning to groom them, and he is _so_ tired. he hurts, and he aches, and he cannot bring himself to move from the stool they settle him on so they can work.

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Copycat Problems

"esme. it was a pleasure meeting you, i hope i'll see you around the facilities in future!" "haha, hopefully!

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