Deep Conditioning - Chapter Thirteen -

His mind was fragmented, broken, disjointed, pieces that would never fit back together again, sprinkling his mind like a demolished vase.

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The Breaking of the world

Pieces of the planet, "fragments", broke away. the moon was rent asunder by the anti-gravity wells. its glittering chalky remnants formed the lunar asteroid belt.

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Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

This theory is heavily criticized however but the critics admit that they cannot come up with a more convincing theory to replace the fragmented asteroid theory.


Writing Tips vol. 4

Having fragmented thoughts can lend an instinctual, rapid feel to the thought pattern, much in the way isolated power sentences do. sample: she could almost see it, feel it, hear it.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 22

"no, if it's at least halfway normal, there are three fragments in each catacomb. we'll take these with us and be done at least to that extent."

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On july 20, 2000, a comet passed very near the earth. the gravity of our planet caused several small fragments, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, to break away and tumble earthward. they struck all over the world. at almost the same time, the comets


The Victoria Chronicles - 02, After the Storm Comes a New Dawn

"hand one of those bullet fragments kris." kristine picked up one of the more intact fragments with a pair of locking forceps and handed them to pops.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 13

"anubis and seth need the fragments of osiris so they can free themselves from this body and return to their origin." "but the fragments are only enough for anubis and in this body," isis countered. "only you believe that.

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Camilla - Die Eroberin, Kapitel 13

„anubis und seth brauchen die fragmente des osiris, damit sie sich aus diesem körper befreien können und wieder in ihren ursprung zurückkehren." „aber die fragmente reichen nur für anubis und in diesem körper", hielt isis dagegen.

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[SCRAP] Magical Rapture!

**krampy** the christmas demon has tasked you with collecting _ **heavenly fragments** _ that will counteract this suffering! **eating fragments** will help curb the devastating effects of the **goo**!

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 6

The real change will only start on sirius b and will be initiated with the fragment." "yes. as in heaven so on earth." "excellent, now go."

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Poem #28: Rejection

I feel your touch feeling me breaking me to pieces fragments splattered in blood drinking up my love you refuse to partake refuse to bathe no nourishment for me.

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