Icy Touch
Mindlessly followed him out and into the street where the troll made a deathgate and entered, the ghoul following and the next thing he knew they were in ebon hold, his new home when he was not out killing with the troll
squire diary
We took a bos aircraft to our destination, the wicked shipping fleet lockup, where he was going to show how to hunt ghouls.
Clans of the Masquerade Prt 4
Within the cult, ghouls are given a far greater level of respect than they would among other clans.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 18: Emergency Response
Behind the ghoul was a donkey in a set of blue coveralls; he had one hand gripping the other with a mass of cloth... which was dripping red.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 2.3 Myrh
Casually motioning to another ghoul, the werewolf spoke a short but vibrant arcane incantation. a thin, black beam extended from the claw on his index finger and struck a ghoul right in the chest.
Day of the Sex Zombies part 3 FINAL
He scrambled to his feet and looked around to see if any ghouls heard him.
Carnal Demonology: Volume 5
**ghoul:** the ghoul is often believed to be a transcended form of zombie, due to the similarities the two demon races share.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 12
A couple of other species saw ghoul hide behind his skunk tail and they ran off being afraid he was gonna spray. billy swiftly stomped his feet as he stormed over to slash and ghoul.
In the Desert
There was nothing the ghoul could do as both it and haluam spun in a dizzying circle.
NOC: Things Go Spook in the Night
The streets were roaming with ghosts, ghouls, and demons; boss fox was wide eyed as he was shaking from such a sight. "i-i don't believe it, the whole town is full ghosts, ghouls, and demons."
Day of the Sex Zombies part 1
In the other room were three caged sex ghouls and a table with what seemed like a body with a blanket over it. she assumed it was another one them.
The Winter Wasteland: Caravan
The ghoul was over at the table with the three visitors, placing a bottle of beer before each of them.