PMD The Warrior's of Light
Look what i brought for us" noticing jason looking at the food seeing the green gummis. " wow loads of apples, and a huge bonus! those tasty green gummis right and loads of them, that's what they're called right? either way i love them soooo much!
Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Departure: Jerkah's Realm
An eight-pack set of abs burst through his fur with semi-translucent skin just like the gummi he had eaten, which with a similar thing happening to his back jerkah could now see right through the growling gummi werewolf.
The Unique Snivy And His Big Adventure: Chapter Three Clearing The Air
Those tasty green gummis right and loads of them, that's what they're called right? either way i love them soooo much!
Gleichgesinnt - 5
Bei dem strap-on handelte es sich um ein sehr aufwändig gearbeitetes exemplar, denn der schaft war aus nachgebenden glatten gummi gefertigt, der sich so jeder körperöffnung perfekt anpassen konnte.
[COM] A Creator's Journal
It was packaged along with the gummy, and that lone gummy is probably the reason behind all this... hah, there's too much to think about and honestly, i think i should just let it be.
Dessert at the Mall
"you serious, gummi bear?" i nodded. "yeah! i can't help but be curious about our differences. er, and also, i'm not gummi, i'm jello--much softer." an eyebrow raised. "really. how on earth do you keep together?"
Mischeif Maker's Mask
Kamukamu was in a dress that exposed her gummy shell and placed a bowl in her bowl full of little multi-colored gummy kappas while she practiced balancing it, curtsies and all. karikari was making ghostly 'ooooohh!'s and 'aaaaah!'
Shelly on World History
, love was in the air, and there was a whole lot of skiltaires and sex, and most of the sex was great, far greater than in the sixties, and there was also a lot of ice cream, but it wasn't as good because it wasn't home made, but there were sprinkles and gummy
(I) Sophias Erwachen
Ihre schwestern sollten wahrhafte meisterwerke werden, die unzählige einsame leute, die den stoff gummi wie sie lieben, glücklich machen sollten.
Camping Trip (pt 2)
gummy teeth bit down uselessly across his scalp and neck, and suddenly he was immersed inside the syrupy gel the lion's whole body had become.
The Meeting
I finally snapped out of it when i hear a loud "pop" and the entire class jumps when the demonstrating gummy bear exploded... "holy shi-" i say in a reaction of being startled...
Dexter and Miles: Wild Force 2 - 2022
Ten blocks of cheese, and two packs of cand- no, gummy worms. first were the gummy worms, its aisle swarmed by a lot of children and adults alike.