Will She Curse While She's in Labor?
Inevitable labor that laid before her.
Nine Cuts
_All things your soul and the birdsong_ _Must be sliced up and laid out for the judges_ _Daydreams mating-drive and fear of death_ _--Rolf Jacobsen, Knives, Knives_ _So the world would be harmed if anything in it were free from...
Story Snippet - Maddened Motherly Mandy
Its so soon now, your doing very well" as he made eye contact with the tired, irritable laboring vixen.
Luca's Story Ch. 17
Chapter XVII--Time, Like Sand Through Your Fingers _I am a one way motorway I'm the one that drives away Then follows you back home I am a street light shining I'm a wild light blinding bright Burning off alone_ _It's times like these you...
Deviant Delights #9 - Fruits of His Labor
Liam was actually impressed. When Davin had told him he'd turned Seth into a fruit tree and monkey hybrid, he was just expecting it to be cosmetic only. But as he stared at the large tree in the center of the summer garden, he found it hard...
Close Encounter
He slowly, soothingly rubbed over kay's huge, shifting belly with one paw, the other cradling the tiger's head, his attention focused on getting kay through the heavy labor as painlessly and smoothly as possible, letting the ship's automated systems do the
Bridled Enthusiasm
A large central millstone, with a hopper on the second floor, sat still and waiting for its next laborer to step up to the yoke.
Prize Boar: Part 2
A frantic frightened animal in the midst of labor listening to her master's soft soothing voice.
You Get What You Ask For
He moaned, intoxicated by his size and the oncoming labor. the gush of the amniotic fluid over his loins brought jeff back to reality, and he smirked for a moment as he realized that the tiger had cum yet again.
Revolution | Chapter III: Fight With Love
_Arthur_ The sound of cracking thunder awoke me from my sleep. My breathing was sharp, rough, and quick. A nightmare had plagued me over the course of two nights, making it unbearable for me to get any actual shut eye. Soldiers from the head Task...
Breeding like Rats - Part 1
Cooper had been experiencing false labor pains for the past day, which though painful, gave him a small amount of hope that it was soon that he would be able to bring these pups into the world. "it'll pass - now go to sleep."
Chapter 2:The Labors of Lily Marks--Part 1
Spirit bound universe copyright (c) plainwalk this story is copyright (c) farmwolf **the labors of lily marks--part 1** lily marks strolled through the lovely forest in the part of the afterlife that she inhabited.