Adia Learns
The pillows were warm from the lingering heat of the midday sun. The lape writhed and rubbed her face on the fabric. They smelled of friends. "Hey there, A'." She leapt a foot in the air and looked about, before raising her face to meet the eyes of...
Higher Learning
Higher learning copyright 2010 comidacomida (this is an off-shoot story line from the more than friends story, explaining the relationship between a high school friend of tanner's named j.d. and his human lover, jason.
Learning to Block
They know i want to learn to block so all three attack at once, a kick to my gut, another punch at my face and a punch to the back of my head. easy to dodge, just move a few inches to the right... no! block all three, you -must- learn to block.
Learning Respect
"i'm glad that you've both been learning so well so far. but there is still one last lesson that the two of you must learn, something that you must do to learn the ultimate bond between trainer and pokemon." "what is that?"
Learning by doing...
He is learning by observing. he is learning by doing. realization hit me on the stair to my trailer. learning by doing. we made love all the time now, just for the fun of it, and he learned. he improved. he experimented.
Learning to Fly
Fate granted you the opportunity to cultivate yourself as a true gentleman for the cost of a minor inconvenience in learning to fly. count your blessings while i move into position down the river."
A Lesson Learned
Your balls are going to be on grace's belt, and just in case, you will need to learn how to defend yourself. now, i really need you on the bed and me to get mickey in clair's claws. i'll see you in a few to continue this conversation."
Learning to Fly
Words: 1,411 the perfect harmony chapter vi: learning to fly the next morning, i woke up rather violently. the vision of those crystal blue eyes burned on the inside of my eyelids.
Learning a Lesson
He explored every inch his tongue could reach, experiencing it like he was just learning about pussy for the first time. he painted the outer lips with his spit, then teased the lips inside with the tip of his tongue.
Learning the Rules
This time you knew it was real though, this time you would learn the rules by heart like a good boy. .
Listen and Learn
Would james be willing to try and learn under a teacher, in a more practical, _intimate_ context.
A Learning Experience
So he only really learned about the egg thing was after high school, and learning more than that was....