Locker Room Tie Ups
Candy's head spun as the domineering milotic pumped him from both ends, squirming and writhing in his coils as he savored the sensation.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter Two
The milotic's warning was only a bare instant before something struck my side.
Journey to another world pt2 ch53
milotic turned and shook me a bit with her ribbons. "alright donovin. what in the world is this undine, and why do you want to call me that?" she said in a strait forward tone that insisted on an answer.
Chapter 1: A New Site, A New Beginning
Not to mention, milotic really needs more love. (smiles)probably helps that milotic is personally one of my favorite pokémon to the point it might be possible to associate me with the tender pokémon.
Chapter 4: A Shocking Revelation Part 2
Before she could finish, the milotic was engulfed in a flash of light.....sega nesquik: hey everyone.
Affections Chapter 2 - A Touch Of Reality
The milotic tried her best to relax her walls being violently pounding in and out of her starting to enjoy every little inch he could piston into her.
Pokemon MD: Mirrors of Fate - Chapter Three
"and i'll spend my time resting until milotic says i'm good enough to go." axel chuckled and smiled. "well you might as well get out there and see then huh?"
Chapter 12: Reunion
Her mind made up, milotic nodded with a smile, then moved closer to the shore and to them.
The Day After (Vore Story)
Last night was halloween; the milotic/lugia hybrid pokemon had thrown quite the shindig at her house, and it definitely looked like something crazy had gone down here last night!
Pokémon Twentieth Anniversary Retrospective (Updated)
But in a way, i'm grateful that milotic hasn't been done to death for pokémon romance stories like the five pokémon i mentioned. i think it helps give more creativity for what can be done with milotic.
Isla Dorada - Chapter 2
We'll meet outside." says the milotic. "okay. " said the two aliens. frosty went with the milotic while austin was accompanied by the serperior.
Chapter 7: "No Better Way to End It...."
As i began to write, my fellow milotic, beleza, came in. "what'cha writing, dear?" she asked. smiling sadly, i explained to her "something to inform my fans at ffn where i've been. as well as what i have in mind for my stories."