#2 of poetry this one is about finding your voice in a world over run with opinions how often do you realize that we live on a little blue dot, adrift in an endless expanse of periods. not question marks, but facts. statements.
Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta
Keep objective facts and opinions to yourself so long as they do not directly affect your own being.
Housewife Number 377
"10, seeing all your memories, all your opinions, your entire life start to gather before you."
CatDance #21
I was of the opinion that only males should be allowed to become a bard. she fought against that opinion of mine and won. so much so that it's hard to believe it was ever an issue. but it was and she has a long memory."
My Thoughts on the "Reptilian Agenda"
There is, without a doubt in my opinion, a very ominous thread of anti-semitism throughout the "reptilian agenda."
The Choice: Chapter One: Incident
The headline was bold and white above the constant streaming of opinion, facts, and the odd other news story was simply monster cop.
What Could Go Right? Chapter 4
No one's opinion really matters except those you let matter. you most likely want to know your friend's opinion, and you obviously care about your parents opinion.
If they stumble or fall, i help if i see fit if they try to deny me my mentality, i politely suggest they quit as i do to them, i keep their best intentions in mind i remind them, an opinion is an opinion, you can be mean trying to be kind
Astral High - Prologue
Seriously, as a writer, comments and opinions are more important than just voting, mostly because it tells me that i did something that created enough of an opinion in you that you felt obligated to telling me.
Blood-Bound Ch2
Tiran had not reacted negatively to me expressing my opinion earlier because he was oblivious. he knew nothing of the blood-bound.
Synthetic Life: Chapter I, Genesis
"please specify what you would like this unit to form opinions on and be informed on..."
**t** he videos i alluded to earlier, in my opinion, demonstrate that sex with animals can meet this standard as written.