welcome to verra-part one the destined lovers

Grey mixture,crimson tipped wolf tail,he was a devil hound few are born to in his town,short sora hair alil crimson streak on his right side of his left bang going all the way around to his back.he was moving quite fast dodging from left to right , on the rooftops

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Into the Night [Displacer Beast TF] - Part 2

They bounced from rooftop to rooftop, making it about twelve houses when they heard the first howl. "they just smelt us," thoman hissed. "they're going to be following our trail now. stay on the roofs.

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A Tale of Ashen Wings - Chapter 4: Get Back Here!

With a triumphant smile, he jumped down from the rooftop and landed with a thud right in front of the boy.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 10

The fact we were in danger left me for a moment, until i felt something, some distant pressure built and then all of a sudden my attention focused at the other end of the rooftop. i gazed at the form that was crouched at a corner of the rooftop.

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The City Stricken from the charts

They bypassed the balconyed apartment building they came up to get out of the street and made their way toward the docks over the rooftops.

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Venturing: A plan pulled Together

In response, i ran forth towards the edges of the rooftop immediately in ponderance of who exited from the station. i had hoped that it was the two. sen and lope.

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The Fall of Hyper Hare

He stumbled back and landed with a thud that shook the whole rooftop. the large orca strode across the rooftop, long tail swaying behind him slowly.

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They'd made love all night on that rooftop, taking and giving equal amounts of pleasure and passion.

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 1

The cold night air hit me in the face, ruffling my fur as i stepped out onto the dark rooftop. my eyes searched the shadows for any movement, and my fingers tightened around the short-nosed revolver in my paw.

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Sonic Waves pt 2- Bang

As he fell he looked back up at me standing on the rooftop and saw he was a she. she was a white hedgehog with gold eyes.

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Night Brings Discovery

She scowled from her rooftop. the woman looked up and noticed her for the first time and gave her an irritated smirk.

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._ _the tiger pushed open the metal hatch and quickly surveyed the rooftop. other than smashed a/c units and dysfunctional ventilation systems, it was clear.

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