Seekers Tale Part 21
As though from a great distance i hear master nerine's voice say, "you know already how to create a guardian seeker. it is your destiny and gift to the world."
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Nine: Barriers And Beyond
Bennet, below decks, must have been throwing every rune and conjured glyph he could into the the seeker's air crystal.
Seeker's Tale Part 32
With a kiss to my cheek he replies, "and i love you to seeker, more than anything."
The Seeker
She woke up to a steady 'thump thump thump' against the door. She rubbed her eyes, peering at the door in the dim pre-dawn light, as the steady thumping continued. Slipping out of bed, the young horse slipped into the outfit she kept by her bedside...
The Seeker
You become a seeker. it means that you have to pass through a test. this is a fearful test but you have to give it a try. if you lose you probably will lose your genitals. if you pass then you will be an adult.
The Seeker
This is the place, the seeker. a kind of hidden place for those with... unusual tastes.
Second Chances
As the neo seeker entered planet arcania's orbit, the rangers were entering a small room with two hovex humvees and two motorcycle-looking vehicles located inside.
Transformers Prime:Sparkbonded
Chapter 2: the lonely seeker.
Under the Sundowner An Ending
seeker growled. tye just grinned and swung the object. he barely stopped before the short wave radio could impact with seeker's head. however, as she ducked, tye was able to shove her backwards into a large human. "damned hair bag." he sneered.
The Consciousness
We return to our hearth, knowledge-seeker. we will return. one day.
Seekers Tale Part 19
He smiles, "now seeker, you of all people should know that you can't be told your destiny. but i want you to think about something."
After Match Revenge (Lilypad's commission)
Lilian was the slytherin's seeker. a 7th year at hogwarts her whole role today was summed up into one simple sentence. find the snitch.