From the Journal of Dr. Artemis
I suppose it is unsurprising that my own subjective experiences trend more towards this latter theory of the bond as symbiosis rather than slavery.
Introducing Rodrick, part 1
#1 of symbiosis the bull ran his fat fingers along the small lutrine body resting on his round belly. the bull's heart rate finally returned its regular beats, and his breathing slowed.
Their relationship was becoming a state of symbiosis. he gave reecie a sense of security and experience she craved while she offered him the one thing he truly lacked...purpose.
The Daisy Chronicles: Meeting
You want me to continue my work in symbiosis and keeping our nanite lattice functional in hibernation? you already own my work on that, thanks to underwriting my college work. so, what do you have in mind, miss daisy?"
Maya and the Planticles
Does it need something we produce, like it's some kind of symbiosis?" "sure, just take a seat!" as the attendant turned on the screen and set it going, maya, content for now, flopped down into her seat and stretched.
A Mind of Its Own
He wanted me to prove that bacteria could work together, that they could show emergence through symbiosis. i came up with a simple idea: see if a soup, like this one, could actually act on a macroscopic level."
Forced Facial Servitude, Part 2
Their symbiosis was heartwarming for ashley, who wouldn't tell carl exactly what kind of chores she had to take care of, that evening.
Bigger Breasts: Hyper Inflation Mini Story Collection (erotic eBook teaser)
A living, sentient, goo-being, it is coming for her, bringing her to it as one, one creature, bound in the delight of symbiosis. a symbiotic relationship benefits both of them as her body warms with blood, aching, desire coursing through.
The Wasteland
The growth has started to overcome the decay, or reach some new symbiosis: its stomach is a mess of blobby organs and oozing tendrils of some alien tissue, spilling out from its chest cavity, green-black and wetly moist.
The Hive King
When this one-their queen-laid her eggs, they reach out and establish a link to the first human mind they contact, forming a symbiosis.
The Price of a Host (Vore Story)
?"Cera, get IN here!!" That was the third time April had yelled her roommate's name in the last minute. The cyclops was VERY irritated with her fellow cyclops...for reasons that Cera had no knowledge of. The larger, red cyclops had been sleeping...
The Human Species Ch.112 - Bored Vanguard Graveler
Their relationship seemed to be a symbiosis of sorts, constantly relying on one another for their continued existence.