Trip to the vet

. -------------------------------------------------------------- **-note-** i felt inspired to write this after taking a pet to the vet, and seeing how difficult and traumatic that must have been for it. even i found the experience traumatic.

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YCH Stories!

Even if someone is permanently attached to it, they can be extricated with not too much traumatization.

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Orange of the Twin Pools

They found her and brought her back, but she was traumatized with only a broken foot and a chunk of her clothing torn.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Destiny's Way:Prologue

A time journey was very traumatic on the waking mind, seeing everything that happened between one time another. instead she sends her daughter a message, just a physic impression. the general message was this: "watch for the clues.

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fizzy's backstory { A short story }

Fizzy is a dutch angel dragon born from anceint magic and crystals, she has been deeply traumatized by past experiences, she's small and cute but shes alot more terrifying and stronger than she may seem.

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A Year to Remember (prologue)

I suffered very traumatic events when i was 10 none of which you'll hear about until i feel stable and my life's back together. my mom was a lion she died when i was 7 years old. my dad is a wolf he's currently a construction worker.

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Polytechnica Zephilyber: pt2

You might be traumatized... heh, heh... snow-bell: too late, already did. but that's okay, i can keep secrets... \*giggles\* stripes: \*whispers to polybius\* i think she likes you dude.


The Young Fox and the Cave

However all was not forgotten as lapa was traumatized and never wanted to see another dead fox again.

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Tai's Story - Fan-made Tropes List!

From mike's traumatic past to robert's pain and loss to darron's endless fury, they all have tales to tell." - kichigai kitsune, tai's story extras tai's story is a novel-length story by furry author kichigai kitsune.

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The Feline Lab Rat 002

Easily traumatized, but keeps it hidden. if he's having a breakdown, something is seriously stressing him." robert explained."hmm...." was all i responded with.

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After the Storm - Part 14 [Insert title here]

He then took me home... although he did give me a small fright before that... ugh... it was traumatizing." the charmander couldn't help but feel concerned for his partner.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 16

The deaths and the violent manners of their deaths shook zardes and malkar, as both were raised on the surface and they only experienced a rather traumatic, but not as traumatic as this.

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