Templar Archives - Fry'l Naga

Over enough time, the males will succeed in carving out the tunnel and birthing chamber. the walls of the new tunnel will be very smooth, perfectly conducive to the spread of flesh across it.

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Royal Court Stream Story 4: The Dread Dragon Dance

The ballroom wasn't so much a ballroom as a great pit carved out of the remains of a lake, with the edges lined with golden striations encouraged to grow from below, and when the twin moons shone down on it, it send golden light through the air that could

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The Vixen, A Kitsune Chapter 2

And that i was, it was carved out by something or someone. i tried to sit up, but a splitting headache set me right back down and i fell out of my bed. the white kitsune came rushing in to aid me."oh goodness, are you ok?"

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Dragon's Gift - Prologue (EDITED)

The dragon morph stood in front of a stone block, carved out of marble and was decorated with branches carved around the edges of the pedestal. in the center was the outline of a dragon. its tail was curled around into its muzzle to make a circle.

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Tamarar - World Overview

These caverns were large enough for them to fly in, and homes were carved out of the rock walls. the dragons once had a mighty empire. in one year, though, almost all of them disappeared.

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The Gate Of Anuwyin chapter 2

"it's just my farewell give for you both" raze put on his armor the armor is very shiny with carving of vine's and on his shoulder a rose carved out from gold tied out to a silk as a cape. his sword was beautiful they both say thank you to the king and walked

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WC day 4 character bios

Her personal favorites were always strategy games, that let her feel in charge, powerful, for a change from her regular life; where she always felt like the nameless unit being ordered around; or big sandbox games that let her carve out her own destiny.


Magi Fight

This was carved out in a day's work, thanks to our boys in the mining division." tik tik shrugs as she surveys the chamber. "not many books. lots of space for explosions. looks like sorceress room. not a wizard's study."

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People have no status and have no place but you carved out your own, all to control, and i wonder that that control could be so abused, taken and manipulated while you sit there with a crown of false jewels on your head.

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DDD Day 18 Mbraka's New Slave No Blood

Mbraka took the leash and led him out of her room, down multiple flights of stairs... until he noticed there weren't any windows anymore, that they were now going underground... and she brought him to a room with a stone door, carved out in the ground, and

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DDD Day 18 Mbraka's New Slave

Mbraka took the leash and led him out of her room, down multiple flights of stairs... until he noticed there weren't any windows anymore, that they were now going underground... and she brought him to a room with a stone door, carved out in the ground, and

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Chapter 5 - From the Desk of Mordecai Crossbell - American Division

Still, it was fun to carve out my own territory without the benefit of blood to support me. what i made here in the united states was mine and mine alone, and no one would say otherwise.

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