fangs and claws

(mythical threat counter attack operations) squad logo, flying from the direction of the public library. i whip out the flare and light it, screaming, as i finally reach the high school and wave to them.

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Poolside Suprise

Veemon laughed, splashing gabumon before diving under the water to evade gabu's counter attack. gabumon growled and leapt into the air, landing on veemon and pulling him up from under the water in a headlock "gotcha!"

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Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen

"so i assume you'll want the army to lead a counter attack?"

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Soul of a tiger Chapter II

Had they just faced certain defeat, the few guards rejoiced and launched a counter attack, driving back their enemies, in a bloody fight.

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Sore Loser

The horse decided to speed things up a bit, and feigned a counter-attack, leaving his left flank seemingly undefended. robert decided to take the chance and launched a hard right hook.

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D.E1 Chapter 63: The Third Offense Part IX

The machine evaded titan's attack and counter attacked with an elbow right at the back of titan's neck. this made titan loose consciousness immediately and fell on the ground motionless.

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The Revenge of Smith

attack" alexandrite dragon atk/1600, smith's dragon get's destroyed.

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Pokemon ballbusting blurbs: #1-5

The steel-type had long ago stopped trying to counter-attack - now he just tried to curl into the fetal position and protect himself from any more ball-breaking blows.

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Inside>Out! Ch1 Fed Up! pt3

Shinta readied himself to redirect the blow to open leo to a counter attack. leo was just a couple feet away, and then shinta felt something impact on the back of his head. _"what was tha--_whack!"

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Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's part 2

(atk/4200 def/2000) counter attack." both monsters destroyed each other. "i end my turn." matt drew his card. i summon elemental hero wildheart (atk/1500 def/1600) attack her directly.'' "hold on. i activate crystal riageki."

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Beasts and Crystal Beast VS Heros and Synchros Part 2

(atk/4200 def/2000) counter attack." both monsters destroyed each other. "i end my turn." matt drew his card. i summon elemental hero wildheart (atk/1500 def/1600) attack her directly.'' "hold on. i activate crystal riageki."

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One Wrong Turn-VI

Five minutes after their counter attack, three more missiles came into range of the base.

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