Mist and Shadow (chapter 2)
She is a trained in non lethal combat, and better at stealth than i am as well as being a healer. though i'm faster and stronger, and know how to kill. the fighter and the sneak, the angle and the shadow. the ironic part being that i'm the one in white.
Encyclopedia: Ta'rall
A healthy ta'rall has scales that can deflect arrows, combat knives, stun guns, and other forms of non-lethal ballistic projectiles (such as rubber bullets). depending on where conventional bullets hit, small calibre rounds can also be deflected.
tin man chapter 1
As i headed back into my ''lovely'' new home i set the motion sensors and the traps i set up first 20 feet non lethal next 50 and you will die most have nero toxins and rest were set to put a hole in the intruders.
ZEP Game Stats
Skills: +4 great: investigate +3 good: athletics, will +2 fair: civrep, fight, kinesics, notice +1 average: credit, infiltrate, pilot, provoke, rapport, shoot, somatics ego stunts: freerunning, non-lethal techniques, psi-chi (pattern recognition, predictive
Pietas: Ad Honorem
_ _ _28th of Maius, 8th year of Emperor Festavious_ _ What depths shall we delve in the search for our own truth? What hells shall we endure in the hope that the flames will cleanse us of our failures? Severus; the path that has brought me here has...
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Seventy-first Entry
Succubus imp as an active character - 1 \* rufus develops a full knot and sheath - 1 \* rael/erlend romance - 1 \* reintroduce kabula and loshada, the centauress and her daughter - 1 vote options in progress \* shara and padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal
The Guardians Shadow Pt2 Ch4
'even though this is going to be like any other hunt, i'll probably just use the rubber rounds to...,' he stands there for several moments wondering why his train of thought had him going over the non-lethal to that of the lethal ways to take down '
Sergal Tails 8
I prefer a non-lethal solution."
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Seventy-second Entry
Erlend romance - 1 \* reintroduce kabula and loshada, the centauress and her daughter - 1 \* let belthin go - 1 \* romance scenes with rufus (adel and urtan suggested) - 1 vote options in progress \* shara and padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Sixty-seventh Entry
Sexual storage purposes - 1 \* erlend made to wear a chastity device - 1 \* introduce a non-sexual character - 1 \* return of the succubus imp as an active character - 1 vote options in progress \* shara and padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-ninth Entry
, wauken, rufus, and erlend - 2 \* spark goes back into the sex machine, and this time he has sex with himself - 1 vote options in progress \* urta/rael/adel/rufus scene; family dynamics in action \* shara and padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal
Pheasant Hunt 08 - Arrivals
"the second thing these are used is for non-lethal style hunts. you know that events that usually take place before the real hunt." he looked into the faces of the prey.