The Silver Renamon Series Chapter 10 Part 2 The battle for Life or Death: The Showdown

Shouts kithira hitting the nearest cherrymon to her. "oh, stop! that tickles!" shouts the cherrymon that kithira attacked. "were in trouble, these cherrymon are stronger than they look!" kithira hollers.

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Digimon: about time we met

Uncle cherrymon seeing that he tells her story's alot "uncle cherrymon we need help!"

digimon: its about time we met

It was uncle cherrymon so that means tsume must be laying on a bed of leafs and she was covered in it. " uncle cherrymon it you, how did i get here?"

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Takashi's First Partner

._' kimimon thought, as she tried to slide out of cherrymon's grasp. "badda-boom!"

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digimon: its about time we meet

As they were done with collecting the fruit they headed back to cherrymon still saw tsume sleeping and so was cherrymon " this tree sure likes to sleep " vex said with a laugh " i'll wake tsume up so she can eat and then we can head back to the castle" said


Digilove Chapter 5

I began to say thank you when cherrymon burst into flames and quickly faded away. i saw a familiar flamedramon walking to me. "p-prax?" i stammered. "surprised?" he asked. i didn't say anything.

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The Cold Dawn Chapter: 8

All around them were digimon hiding themselves within trees or more precisely cherrymon. cherrymon are one of the few beings that can hide from a renamon within a forest and anything in them is also hidden as well.

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The Guardians Shadow Pt2 Ch4

"this wood isn't really a wood; it's a whole bunch of cherrymon and woodmon," he said in a stark realization, but in that he also realized that that in itself wasn't entirely true.

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TSRS Book 1 (edit and reformatted)

The cherrymon warned his fellow guards. the other 7 cherrymon shook their branches in what could be taken as a nod of assent. "eight cherrymon? good grief that's a bit overkill but whatever pleases him.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 5 Aftermath

Machinedramons army 223 guardramon 51 andromon 65 datamon seraphimon & ophanimons army 73 angewomon 81 angemon herkuleskabuterimon combined with rosemons army 71 kabuterimon 34 megakabuterimon 73 roachmon 23 sunflowmon 56 woodmon 2 lillymon 89 togemon 3 cherrymon

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Flamedramons Encounter

"that must be the one cherrymon told us about. renamon grab him and get out of here and back to the den. i'll handle him." he growled straighting up and cracking his neck. "all right, take care of yourself."

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The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 7

The cherrymon warned his fellow guards. the other 7 cherrymon shook their branches in what could be taken as a nod of assent. "eight cherrymon? good grief that's a bit overkill but whatever pleases him.

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