Biker Mice from Mars: Martian Baby Mama

She didn't bite down on the antenna, but that was the extent of her restraint.

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Ghost in the Machine (Part 1)

[the antennae actually work to send and receive radio waves, is that right?] he asked, looking at the antennae sticking out of the head. "pretty clever, huh?" merah said, her smile wide. "antennae that work as antennas."

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Let's All Get Buzzed

Still, with how intrigued he was, he couldn't help but follow the stirrings of his new antennae, even as they seemed to guide him only to a dumpster, the buzzing of insects almost deafening to his new antenna.

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Lost Tales of the Planet Rushes: The Mind-Melting Parasitic Dildo-Snakes of Planet Xenobia, Part Two

A pleasant shudder popped her antennae back out of her forehead. evie gripped the base of her cock. her eyes followed mina's ass.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 18

Perched at the base of the antenna mounted on the very top she looked around seeing the signs of the dragon making the place it's home.


Catch Me If You Can

Gloria was there, wearing green sweats and carrying a hand-held beam antenna.

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The Gates of Hell, Nymph

She refolded them again, and instinctively used her front limbs to groom her eyes and antennae, combing over them.

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Space Scientist Bu'Tay

Most common traits consist of green skin, usually short (most common/average height is 4'4), have antennae, and have a sex drive of that of rabbits in heat.

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Kaiju Naga Hybrid

She still had her orange antennae, which picked up subtle vibrations in the air. she kept four arms like her own natural form.

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Prince's Butterfly

All he could focus on were the pleasurable sensations overwhelming him, every stroke of the tongue over his antennae, every thrust against his own cock.

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Team Argos, Chapter 4

Meanwhile, x-zorb ran over to an antenna., climbing it. reaching the spider's web, he stood on it and started running towards the spider. paying x-zorb no mind it continued concentrating on its expanding web.

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Lost Tales of the Planet Rushes: The Mind-Melting Parasitic Dildo-Snakes of Planet Xenobia, Part One

And while her head was pleasantly fuzzy and worry-free, she knew that mina would get suspicious of antennas and a big fat cock. what happened next was almost instinctual. her antennas _schlick_ed down into her head, disappearing into her scalp.

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