Astral Encounter
| Mae let out a low sigh as she walked down the sidewalk near her home, the sound of her bat dragging along the ground behind her echoing down the street as she looked up into the sky. It had been yet another night where her sleep was interrupted by...
Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1
However that astral projection was pretty much lying on top of runt's squirming body.
Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 11 The Master of a Master
The life force of the slaves allowed him to extend the time he could remain in astral form. the life force of the slaves was still strong, and could have sustained his astral form for much longer.
Jeremy's Birthday Surprise-A New Life
"home" at that word he held out his hand and shot a bolt of magic into the air in front of him, and a portal seethed into existence, showing the astral plane before them.
Astral High - Chapter 16
#17 of astral high hmm... who knows anything about lucid dreaming or astral projection? we were headed over to seth's house, trying to think of something to do, but i yanked seth's arm and turned as we passed my house.
Open Season Chapter 22: Magick in The Air
"well, magical manifestation passes through three planes of existence: the creative; the astral; and the material.
Chapter 10: Solid Astral
#10 of the mating season 5 chapter 10: solid astral wynn's long lashes fluttered and she slowly came awake, allowing a stranger's paw to guide her into a sitting position.
Demimonde (Chapter 1-2)
In astral sleep, we are free to enter each others dreams, like travellers in an astral plane. here, we can interact with one another just as if we would be awake in our physical, and sadly human, bodies.
Desolation: Vanguard II: Shailai
The mech's astral form rested at the edge of the bed, head resting on the padded side rail, watching the proceedings with curiosity.
Demimonde - Chapter Two
We can enter astral realms while our bodies are asleep, and there we can function as though it was real.
Chapter 28: What Sylas Did
He was astral, but he might as well have been there. her heart going out to him, wynn had moved from aliona's side, and picking her way through the sad crowd, she stood beside sylas.
Chapter 1: Magic
Given the fact that the astral plane vaguely resembles virtual reality, most take advantage of the high customizability to create their ideal version of themselves. me? i'm happy with what i am.