Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 8
#8 of daughter of the claw the eighth chapter (of ten) in an on-going story following tallish--an anthro canine male and his daughter. your comments mean the world to me.
Chapter two: tooth and claw
Her claws grew out at the same time as her penis erupted from her crotch, spraying the rock and herself with silver.
Sinking Its Claws Into Him
"worship me," the deathclaw ordered as he held out one of ryan's huge clawed feet.
Sinking Its Claws Into Him
"worship me," the deathclaw ordered as he held out one of ryan's huge, clawed feet.
607 The Night Has Claws
Bought face-to-face with a truth of the world, that it has claws and fangs, how will she cope?
Feline Therapy Ch. 03
Her claws shot out and she sliced through the band of caitlin's pants. thin lines of blood trailed behind her claws as she ripped into the other woman's clothing to leave her bare.
The secret truth
Chapter 2: The option I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in the forest "No.... no it can't it..." I couldn't even talk from how much shock I was in. One werewolf and told to him in a natural voice "Davide don't worry... we still are...
Wings of the Warrior: 11
He had blunted his hand claws so keeping a grip on this fish wasn't the easiest to do but he got it up to the shore. sam tossed the fish up onto the shore and dug into his bag for a knife.
That devil...
He starts clawing my chest again and it pushes me over the edge. i can't help the moans starting to leave my throat. it hurts so good, a part of me wants him to go deeper.
The Hook Up
Blue slowly thrust hir claw in and out of him a few times before taking it out and lining up a second claw to double-penetrate his cockhole. shi had to be more careful this time, but before long shi was thrusting hir claws in and out of his dick
Savage Investigation
When nick saw that the attempt to rip off his 5th limb was not working, nick went for the eyes, easily clawing one right out of its socket leaving a bloody open hole in the grey animal's head.
Fear is a very powerful aphrodisiac - Ch3
My claws got alive again, i was doing that sharpening-claws movement without really sharpening them, and it felt so good to do it i even closed my eyes.