The curse Spreads
#3 of cursed discovery sherri giggled in excitement on reaching the surface and waved a paw. the vines cleared a path for her and she leaned forward the smooth vine carried her to the edge of the gigantic pit.
cursed ramblings!
these ramblings is what happens when i get too much time on my hands and set my mind on a trail of an inner whirlpool that wont let me sleep, so i wrote them down for once and i dont really know what to call these "ramblings". personally i view...
Elsie's Curse
She bellowed as the change came to an end, her body now entirely that of a cow, nothing human remaining as the curse ran its course.
Curse of Success
Struggling with a curse.
Quadruped Curse
Quadruped curse by theo winters written for kitsune106 ben saw her the moment she came into the mall, not that it wasn't that hard to spot her, she would have stood out in any sort of crowd.
Curse To Blessing
Shi brushes hir hair and gets it nice before leaving the room and the image shi is cursed with. it certainly felt like a curse, that image mocking hir as saw saw hir mates die.
Donkeyboy Curse
#1 of donkeyboy curse fratboy tries to rape a carnival gypsy and gets hexed into a lustcrazed gay donkeyboy rapist that spreads the curse to his fratbrothers.
Aewarith's Curse
But i discovered after examining you closer" she said and paused "that you are cursed. i cant tell you which kind of curse it is.. since i don't know.. but you are cursed..
Fyfe's Curse
His last mission came with some unforeseen consequences in the form of an unusual and oddly specific curse, courtesy of a magician who had also jumped to certain conclusions based on species.
A Cursed Hunter
Moments later, the last of the sun retreated from the world and i gasped, the curse surging to the fore. i doubled over and sank to my knees, pain slamming my guts. the curse was always worse when this creature was near to me.
Chinese Curses
**_Somewhere in China Town, Lake City_** Dark clouds were gathering overhead as Charlie walks down unfamiliar streets. The fox enjoys exploring parts of the city he is not familiar with and had decided to come down to the Chinatown after school...
The Unintended Curse
#1 of the unintended curse the unintended curse ch. 1 i look back on my life and curse the day that my life had been taken away from me. "it's all that damned elf's fault." i said irritably as i moved through the local town.