Curse of the Weretoy

A young mouse girl in uniform entering his limited vision, took one look at the pool toys and began cursing up a storm that he thought was very unprofessional. "seriously? two this time!?"

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The Engineer's Curse

The new engineer's mate.", said reg, "he has the curse." hender gave reg a sideways glance, then turned the same look to the chief, who only nodded. "males don't get the curse, they aren't equipped", stated hender flatly.

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The Darkfang Curse

Along with the physical side effects of the curse, the curse also has given the darkfangs longer life, approximately aging only one third the normal rate.

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Curse of the Wereroomie

The curse (if you want to call it that) can't be passed on to humans...but it _can_ be shared. and once cassie had gotten a taste of it, she had become addicted. "i want to feel it, derek," she said, slowly crawling onto the couch to straddle me.

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The Cavern's Curse

It saw the twinkling eyes of min the monster lover as she kissed its toothy maw with gleeful enthusiasm, and as with the cursed treasure on her belt min and the guardian of the cursed cavern sank deeper into the darkness, its knife-like fingers tore open the

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Curse of the Cowtaur

A phone rang loudly as the morning alarm went off. Text on the phone said 'Wake up Drake' on it. A young 26-year-old man reached out from his bed and hit the mute button. He smacked his lips and pulled himself out of bed. He wore a t-shirt that had old...

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Curse of the Lycanroc

While dave's body tried to put up a good fight, it was no match for the curse that was rapidly taking over his body. the fox kept his eyes closed while he writhed in pain as his body burned up.

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The Cursed Witch

"the curse mark i placed not only prevented the cursed person from performing magic, but it also prevented the use of magic around them as well." he elaborated.

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Possum Curse

Her mood grew darker, and she squealed at him: "i curse you, then!" saying that word, curse, made him flinch, with a stabbing headache just behind the eyes that stopped his progress.

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Cursed By Design

cursed by design disclaimer: this story involves a big daemon rexxo, is rated adult, and includes transformation/corruption.

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