Section 1: The Chakat Who Folded Hirself (First Draft)
#2 of works in progress this is my first draft for section 1 of the new version of the chakat who folded hirself. this section is pg, maybe even g, but the whole story is planned to have a max rating of pg13.
Average Day At The Wolfe House
Jacob was an average A, B student, working with his friends and teachers to get the projects in motion. He worked with many of the leadership committees and almost directly with the Board of Education. Though honestly he did meet the Superintendent...
Chapter 7: A Helping Hand From a Friend
A Helping Hand From a Friend It was around nine when Alesta started to awaken. She stretched and realized she was still dressed. She got up and started to remember the evening with Holis and a smile over her lips and then thought back to the...
Together We Rise
Many people poked their heads out of the doors or windows to see what had happened, but only a few came out to help, one being my longtime friend bruce, a large draft horse.
Chapter 13: A Nice Shower
It was around nine in the morning or so when Holis slowly began to awaken to the purrs of the dragoness curled up against him. He gave a soft sigh looking at her as she slept, so peaceful so happy. Looking at her washed away all his doubts, made all...
Chapter 11: Home Health Care
Holis murred and pulled back from the long soft kiss as he heard a knock at the door. They looked at each other with a soft smile as he stood and walked out turning off the light and closing the door. Holis smiled readjusting his pants a bit and...
Chapter 10: A Training Day 2
Lova opened the door and they walked in. Holis looked around the cot with Alesta was in the middle of the room. There were two rows of plants the left side ones were a little different from the ones on the right. The dolly was there with the plant...
Wereness 5: The Barn
"by simply changing to a draft horse. not a two legged one mind you." "you can do this?" "we all can with practice. we even have the option of a more human two legged form." "let me guess. that takes practice too." "now you got it."
Wereness 1. The Mare
\<\< Forward \>\> Welcome to a reading experience that is surely to be something of a pioneering endeavor for me. For years I have seen my share of truly great erotic stories written and thus inspired to possibly some day explore the possibility...
16th Birthday
A darkly furred wolf, muscles and scarring showing him most likely to be a blacksmith, a pale furred draft horse towering behind the wolf and next to him a black masked tiger. the three males angrily looked down at the slip of a girl.
"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.05 (NaNoWriMo 2015)
Just over a week was the actual travel time but it felt like thirty days. Dorath was small for a duskland but large for a day- or cloudland. The enchanted ores keeping it afloat had been fading for centuries. It and its sister island, Carath, had...
Honeymoon in the hills...
One grinning draft stallion snickered lewdly, as he tossed a handful of coins into that sack. as the pretty painted up highborn horse wrapped his slender arms around that thick draft horse neck.