Beneath this glassy surface

Despite the broken tiles, cracked stone, and faded etchings, the temple appeared alive. could this forgotten place still be home to ancient life? did this strange pod hold the answers?

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First Contact

etched into a tablet. the tablet itself is of the same material as the walls. it seems resistant to the effects of aging and erosion. the edges of the... markings upon it are still clean, not worn at all.

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Otterly Magical

He pulled out a golden scribing pen with a diamond tip and etched a new sigil into the crystals surface. "hey! that's mine! i don't care what you'd like me to be but you can't just come in here like you own the place."

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Heaven Falls

Ahah.cringes i see life--and he's a clown who views the world from upside and down and watches as each and every one wanders daily, strays the path what path did we create when to the stony slate didst moses etch the ten commandments break


Poem #21

#21 of my poems things change so fast, reality alters at a changing pace, growing faster and faster, pain growing beyond the point of control, etching itself in my muscles and bones, it feels like lava flows through my body, burning

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It rings off the walls of my cave, echoing back in the cold stone, etching itself on my soul. soon. the day will come soon. your call will answer my own. others will follow. there will come a time when we no longer float around the edges.


Dance Amongst the Stars: Chapter 1

She couldn't help but marvel as she walked by, the etching on the suits was needle fine. thousands of names and numbers etched into the armor. it made her shiver involuntarily as she passed the final gate.

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etched into the plate was his village insignia. _ i am a swordsman. my blade has tasted both flesh and blood of my enemies.

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The Hand of God

She felt the letters etched into the thin brass, felt the words there, proven now to be incorrect, felt the letters telling lies against her skin.

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7. Heaven (100 Theme Challenge)

Along the bottom, there was, what used to be, his full name and birth date etched underneath both their names. a shoddy paint job covered it, the color barely matching the stone.

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The Mago Situation (Trade with RowanPiper)

One of the junior pilots joyfully shouted, pride etched upon his face. "no lying, you did some good work yourself, tagger. this junior took out three defence drones on his own!" "yeah!" another cheer.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. Part 18.

On the way through, i see dale and mike's bodies lying face down on the floor, mike has my name etched into his back, while dale has tony's name etched into his.

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