Two Ways More Than One

I see you found me by sight rather than scent, as you haven't fled from me yet"--do foxen reek?--"but know i smell you. why don't you cease your waiting and join me? you've neglected yourself for far, far too long."

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Detention Attention

Moments slowly passed as the foxen remained tied within his feline lover, his head nestled beneath her muzzle as their heartbeats rang loudly in each other's ears.

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Misplaced Kitten

You know that all foxen have an innate gift for a particular form of magic - usually illusion of some sort, for your information.

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The Best Sleepover EVER!

He looked over his shoulder at billy's dad, shane, totally naked behind him and the red tip of his foxen member poking out of its sheath. "shh... don't worry, i'm just helping you get undressed..."

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RVA: Rank Hath Its Privileges''

Rolas followed his commander down the corridor into dak's cabin, which in in the confined spaces of the foxen military vessel also served as the engineering lieutenant's office.

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The First Time

Kenny foxworth, a foxen teen who had just turned 18 on the last day of school had found it a blessing and a curse.

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

Maybe you'll find a hunky foxen lad to hold hostage and make your cabin boy._ _ _ melanie snorted, an image rising in her mind.

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Forgiven, Chapter 2

The foxen groaned and sat up, looking around. "ooooh shit." i heard her say when she saw the guards around us. she looked at me and the dragon ready to fight. "wait!" i heard her shout.

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The Fox General: Menagerie of the Shah

I repeated in foxen and the leopards seemed to grasp what i said, nodding with approval. "they are to escort us to the shah's vacation palace at once!"

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Synthetic Unlife

It brings a smile to her foxen face. oh maybe she will get recoated again, it's been far too long, the grandkids did want to get her a natural fur exterior last time and christmas should be in a few months. actually how are the grandkids?


Door of Hard Knocks 1: Tail Twisters

His ears thumped and a snarl rose on his grosteque foxen lips. bam! it wasn't the front door, it was the bathroom door. he sat up and pulled the shower curtain back. "who's there?" he said a bit scared... the door was not closed, dumbass!

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