Guadalupe (1)

**1.** Five ounces of pure festered in Maxwell's jacket pocket while his patience wore thin. The stupid prick Max sat in waiting for was already two hours late. Strobe lights flashed with epileptic persistence and glow-sticks twirled with blinding...

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Am i a awsome heroine or what?" she moved away as her upgrade vaporised and poof, it went back to where it came from. the girl needed to get back pronto. she spotted some kind of counter on the side.

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Addicted Struggle

He was beginning to consider taking a dose of heroin since it would allow himself to drive there but in the end he flatly refused to do it.

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Never Trust Your Weapon When Dwagons Are Around - p.1 and 2

After so long, there that creature was... just, totally not like she the heroine hackee-ho's hindpersonality had it imagined... _...impossible...

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Edge Walking. Chap 10: Butter. Pure Freakin' Butter.

The long-ear found much more satisfaction in pawing off than in a hit of heroin. it was crack which he craved. while opiates ensnared their users in the palm of death, crack brought life.

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Bad Habits

The heroin wore off hours ago and the dxm about 30 minutes ago, and i'm dazed at the concept of leaving my home and trying to get sober. i'm mentally preparing for the excruciating withdrawal from heroin when an idea occurs.

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Jared and Gnat - Part Six - You Love Me

That's why i do heroin. i do it to cope with the guilt of what i've done to my friend; my best and only fucking friend. when you see musicians taking drugs, you think it's cool.

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Thursday Prompt – Burn: A Babsie Hottail Short

How will our heroine make it out of this next scrape? find out next time on the space adventures of babsie hottail: rabbit bounty hunter.

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Powerless In Space - chapter 3

Our heroine has run afoul of some bad luck and finds herself stranded in space; powerless, clothes-less, and often quite clueless.

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DOPE HORSE Part One: Welcome to the jungle

Our equine heroine is quickly reintroduced to a surreal world of drug abuse, sexploatation, street violence and boundless greed.

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The Early Morning Rays

Usually more of a back-up heroine to assist in harsher fights, but certainly able to stand her ground in the face of opponents as well.

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JBIAF: Teen Titans... DOH!

The small rectangle raced right past the faces of the heroines, caroming off the walls at the speed of sound, and eventually flying through the roof and into the sky. "well, \*\*\*\* you! they have boyfriends you know!

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