Learning to Fly
I wouldn't have to think about how to use my new form, especially the limbs and other structures i could never learn on my own with a human mind.
Learning to Swim
"if you keep learning at this rate, you'll be doing breast-stroke and back-stoke in no time."
Lessons Learned
This is my first yiff story. Based on a chat I had with Carlevin awhile ago. I'm really happy with it, and hope to have more stories in the future involving these characters. Nerikull is (c) his creator, Carlevin is (c) his creator/owner, and Ky' is...
Book Learning
Interrupt my sex story, alright, I see where you buggers are going with this. Don't see why I have to repeat something they taught us in eighth form, sexual history, but okay...you know I damn well expect royalties from this. It all started pretty...
Dragon Learning
**"dragon learning"** night had fallen in the house still occupied by too many dragons, the canine brothers and the weregarurumon.
Learn the Colors
learn them, and then...maybe being blind won't be so bad after all." she rubs into me one last time, squirming about a tiny bit, and then sighs a deep sigh, melting into my arms.
Learning The Ropes
He wasn't very social, normally, but it's hard not to eventually learn the name of the guy who drives you to class every day.
Learning the Ropes
"good heavens, girl, you've got to learn to relax." the kangaskhan wrapped an arm around laura's shoulders, pulling the skittish newcomer a bit closer.
Lesson Learned
A feral wolf gets tortured by a trio of anthros. My first story upload. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I don't mind constructive criticism, as long as it's constructive. :P _\*Warning: Contains farting and rimming. If the following sicken you, I...
Lessons Learned
"well, i certainly hope you learned _something_ today," i said teasingly. tye chuckled and looked off to the side. "yeah, i did learn something today," he replied quietly. "oh?" tye turned back and gave me a wide smirk.
Learning The Trade
As Sun rose his head and let out a loud yawn, he looked to his side and smiled, the dragoness was right there beside him, He lowered his head and huffed out softly, she twitched abit and snuggled more up to him, he had to admit..she had a good grip...
Learning the Ropes
Patron-requested story about learning to become dominant. a boar finds it's less about listening to lectures and more about the hands-on work. i was surprised to start getting responses to my personal ad.