Not a Finger

It was hard to get used to just how early it got dark here when winter came. Sure, you expect the evenings to be dark, but on this edge of the time zone the sun was already gone from the sky before five. The combination of the darkness, the snowy...

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Growing Corruption

This came up after a little chat with Sauria\_Lizard on Champions Online Tani is owned by Sauria Coatl is mine Princess Shakyn' Tani stood in Millenium Cities Renaissance Center, plotting what to do next. Lost in thought hir hands trailed across...

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The glossy green scales of his legs and tail started to blur into one semi-solid shape, melding and merging with gentle but powerful surges of transformative contractions.

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Joining a New Unit

Fur could also be seen as she felt her pinky merging with the one next to it while the fur started to sprout out from the laces that had begun to break.

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One of Many

As the merged wolf-dragon continued to survey the area he hadn't found whatever phenomenon was driving creatures out... though he was also there for another reason as well.

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Maid to Order

"Hello? Anybody? I mean, love your castle, I really do." Deon was shuffling around on wine purple carpeting with nothing but a pair of flip flops stained in a little green from fresh cut grass. His shorts and simple T-shirt spoke of one of his...

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Joining Forces, P1

Both heads of apex blinked and looked at one another in surprise and confusion before they turned back to the squabbling merged latex canine.

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Better Than One

"the ability to merge bodies with any living thing i touch. my hand is not inside you, daniel. it ceased to be as soon as we merged. can you feel it?" "c- can i feel what?"

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Filling His Rubber Paws (9/10)

Most of them had been mutated to some extent and a lot had been merged together or turned into monstrous versions of themselves.

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A Brand New You (9/10)

Much to his surprise his toes began to merge together until they formed into a heavy reptilian paw, the black toenails turning into heavy talons like a dragon while scales spread everywhere.

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From Defeat Comes Victory (7/7)

Vasran would have nodded his head but it was still partially lodged in sabyn's as the merged creature continued to separate, arms and legs thickening until a divot formed in the middle to separate the two bodies.

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A Shared Experience

You know, like a full body merge or something like that, though i don't know how something like that would even work." "well i know something that does work," vox replied as he took the circlet he had been holding onto and put it on her head.

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