Poke-U Chapter 1 The Swim Coach
#1 of poke-u this was a commission for meheggs where his sona rex spends his first day at poke-u learning and adjusting to college life.
Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?
Here's my latest in my comic chaos pokémon chapter 2 poke what? last time ash and pikachu were helping there friend misty fix up the cerulean gym, but just as they got done they hear a scream coming from the forest and ran over to its source.
The Great Poke-Digi Paradise Part II
BOOM! Ernest woke up after hearing that sound. He began to reach for his jacket when he saw the uniform that he was wearing. "Oh that's right." He said. BOOM! He ran downstairs and saw Treason and Doruilmon fighting with each other. "Hah...hah...I...
The Great Poke-Digi Paradise Part I
"Alright! We're finally here." Yelled a young Raichu. He smiled and looked at his Digimon friend. At first glance the Digimon looked like an oddly colored Guilmon. But, if you got up close, you would see that he was actually a Dorumon/Guilmon hybrid....
Poke Quest Chapter 4 : A Safe Haven?
#5 of poke quest new friends are met, but can they all escape together? a - 0 b - 0 c - 0 d - 1 ~~~ the group rested uneasily that night.
Poke Quest Chapter 3 : Porting, anyone?
#4 of poke quest it is said that ferals dwell more actively in the dark choices : a - 0 b - 1 c - 0 d - 1 (oh wait, no one knows charm or sweet scent... so kind of unable to go through with this choice.
The Futa Ninja Incident: POking where you're not supposed to
Her length was now pushing between her legs the head poking up. sakura turned away collecting her thoughts. she couldn't stand it anymore, failure and horniness were making her impatient and itchy.
Lost in a poke' world Ch. 1: A Strange World
#1 of lost in a poke world ((disclaimer: i do not own pokemon but i do own the main character)) ((another warning......first story^\_^)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deals Some Hard Points To Poked Rear End
His thickening tongue poked out, scooping up the sweet treat while his brown eyes stared into manny's.
MD Orc Tribe Chapter 1: Stop poking me!
His coworkers would poke him in the belly because they knew he was ticklish. they would laugh and call him a cute teddy bear. the half orc knew that they were only teasing him, but he hated it.
The Dragon in the Doe
**Amethyst's Kinky Christmas** **Non-consensual (RP)** ** ** **The Dragon in the Doe** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by SaphiraFafnar_ _ _ _ _ "Look who I've found here..." The...
Lusting for Legendaries
**Lusting for Legendaries** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Saphira Fafnar_ _ _ _ _ "Always me, why is it always me?" Of course, the Salazzle-Aerodactyl hybrid was being a little over-dramatic on that count....