Throwing Stones(Poem)

I remember the summer breeze that used to calm me the face that would embrace my being a man who makes me whole i am no longer broken for he taped me back together when it was in good weather we'd throw stones at lake and i found his embrace

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In need of a Favor

"i know this isn't easy for you, and i wouldn't blame you if you didn't get back together again, but what are you going to do about them?" he asked me.

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The Hitchhikers - Fantasy Chapter - Her Worst Idea, EVER!!! (Uncensored)

Besides, esby begging him these three times ta be back together had happened along the span of 10 years.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 4

Me and you... we us, should get back together. because! because..." kiana held up her hand. "let me stop you right there, mateo.

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He slapped me on the side before i watched him move out and to the back. together we picked up and moved the canoe and walked around the edge of the large pond through tall grass.

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The Road to Happieness: 6

"i can bring one with me since i'm an officer and besides i took it apart so now." he opened the black bag revealing the 9mm pistol in pieces "i have to put it back together and thats the fun part." he said sarcasticly as he began putting it back together.

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Another Brother

"i don't know how to put you guys back together though... should i pour you out?" i coalesced slowly, my vision resolving into the sight of the rhino in his seat. "you know, it's good that i didn't get caught with you...

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Types of Skinsuits/Bodysuits

There is also magnets or glue, & the rare molding method, were you simply rip the skin & press it back together like putty. some enter threw a hole threw the body, like the mouth or ... other arias.

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The Splinter Wills

I don't know how to release them, let them go and put them back together... someone show me the way... show me how to create... and let them see just what they were made to be...


Wrench and Drive (Otherwise Untitled)

~ with a soft chuckle the kobold replied, "twenty minutes, i can get this all back together, and then we can get back up on the road.

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We're getting the band back together!"

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Falling for a lioness part 27 and 28

I knew how much nala wanted to be with her mom as we got older in the jungle, but know they where back together again.

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