A Brother's Love Ch. 3 Part 1
america turns its governmental powers over to our president in russia. america becomes the newly established u.s.s.r. america releases russian born criminals and bring them here to our location.
Children of Earth - Part 5
"tell our agents on the worlds near america to start spreading anything around that would hurt america, or her ties to dragons or raptors." the elf bows and backs out back into the shadows. he needn't have worried.
Stark Change
This does not mean everything was nice, there was still the slave trade in america that was not abolished until 113m and various political battles between countries.
My OCs Want You to Vote
This is america, or at least, the america me and adam don't live in..." the wolf suddenly sighed, stepping forward.
Iraq (poem)
I don't want to get any crap from this about "hating america and our soldiers".
Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten
Three decades later, we finally returned to america, and found the world we knew had changed. our children took over the company, and we retired to our knowing of the single greatest force on earth.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 19-American Truck Challange
Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 miles of road america.
The Way the Wind Blows
What kind of sociological truths about america could he find when he looked at the signs of the churches and the signs of the protestors outside those churches?
Binary Genetics, Chapter 1
We did what was necessary to safeguard america and our way of life." hall slammed his fist on the table, smashing one of the saucers. "how the hell are you protecting america by turning people into animals?" the undersecretary was taken aback.
City of Dreams
After three arduous months of intensive study, the chinese fox had learned enough of the language in america, it was time for a history lesson so he listened intently to the bulldog's speech on the history of america "in the 16th century, conquerors from
Jona Vastenhout joins the FBA
At that point he needed a way to get to america so that he can start his fba career. that came from a coach's phone call to an agent.
Denny Mouse And 5-Year-Old Fievel In, On The Way To America.
It was the same room they sung that song (there are no cats in america.) of course to find out later, there are cats in america.