Cold Winters night MLP Fanfic
You see rainbow couldn't bring herself to express her love for applejack in thought of being rejected and outcasted from her friends. with loving arms applejack had allowed for rainbow to stay with her till the storm was over.
MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Three
The closely conversing mares fell into a fit of quiet mirth at the joking seriousness in applejack's final words. when able to ask through her giggling, twilight truthfully admitted, "oh, applejack, applejack, applejack...
Applejack and Big Mac enter the Sibling Incest Contest (because 25 bits is a lot of money)
applejack hesitated. she hadn't thought about that.
The Prince and the Gunslinger - Chapter 1
"i'm sorry i wasn't there, applejack." "i couldn't have bugged ya," applejack said, "what with you managing your own farm out here.
Love is Abloom
applejack nodded. "of course, take all the time that y'all need." the resident pony thanked her and shut the door. applejack then proceeded to sit on her haunches so as to relax for a spell.
The Fall of Equestria - Rewritten
You're scaring her half to death," applejack admonished. pinkie blinked. "i am?" she asked. applejack shook her head. "good grief," muttered starlight glimmer, rolling her eyes. rarity stepped forward. "pinkie pie means well.
Customized by the Hive 3
There was a part of that applejack left, but it was an applejack that was more easily bent. she still wasn't _happy_ about being here, but she accepted it.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Sexy
applejack turned her head towards him just in time to catch his first massive blast of cum directly in her face. jet after jet of warm cum sprayed over applejack, coating her entire body.
School Troubles
applejack responded, taking off her denim skirt without a care in the world and throwing it on the teacher's table. niko's gaze was immediately attracted to a massive bulge in applejack's panties.
17: That Owner
applejack and starshadow slept soundly through the rest of the night.
MLP:FiM:Chapture 8: Let em Talk
Said applejack. "i.. wait...what?" washington asked confused. "i don't have a wife.". "minty cool breeze? ring a bell?" asked applejack. washington's eyes widen. "minty? she's not here, is she? that mare's crazy!" washington said panicked.
Friendship is Pure- Chapter 1: An Unexpected Guest
It's me, applejack!" twilight rushed to the door to open it. "applejack, what's wrong?" "this is what's wrong," applejack said with a worried look on her face. she turned to show a feeble looking colt lying across her back, seemingly unconscious.