
Clay grunted softly as he put a little muscle into his polishing, he needed his hooves to shine for his first real day on the job. The blonde pony had spent the last two weeks in training as a companion on the cruise ship Arion, it was his first job....

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 13

_So close to being unanimous not worth counting, guess I will have to try and give you something a little bit harder to chose between._ Aleoric looked at his fallen friends, Jarus was struggling onto his knees, Runo was stirring and beginning to come...

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Sweet Vengeance

Princess Aura moaned softly and twisted in her bed. It was a hot night, the sun had baked the kingdom all day and now in the evening the heat clung to the land like a desperate lover. It beat down on her, making her feel confined and suffocated. The...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 12

_The manticore won, although it was close for a while._ "Well the Orc camps to the north have been far more active lately. I wouldn't go that way." Runo said as they studied the map. "Well we don't have the supplies to go via the Sphinx river or the...

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It might pick up

"That's the last one, Santa." A little racoon in a green elf outfit said as he escorted a little wolf cub out. Roy heaved a huge sigh of relief. The polar bear reached up a paw and ripped off the Santa beard he had had to wear every day for the last...

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Cooking -Commission

Leaning back and scratching his ear in frustration the wolf tried to get hold of himself. She had to know, it had been a week since his heat started and there she was cooking in the kitchen, looking so innocent and sexy. Her curvaceous hips swaying to...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 11

_A 0 you want him alive_ _B 11_ _C 111111111_ _D 111111111111111_ _E 11_ _So D, we trust the naga, but not entirely._ The bear took a deep breath and then gave a slight nod to the fox. Kenia lowered his axe and muttered. "You better be as good as...

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Dillon's stand

Martin awoke with a start, he wasn't sure what had woken him but he knew instantly that something wasn't right. He rolled over on the bed and spread out an arm, the bed was empty. He slipped quietly out of bed and went looking for Dillon, the bear had...

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Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 10

A 11111111 E 11111111111 Close run thing this time but the E's have it The bear paused for a second and then smiled as sincerely as he could. "Yes that would be wonderful, the more the merrier." His eyes flicks across the cave floor, looking to find...

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Learning to bleat

"What am I doing here?" James muttered to himself staring at the door in front of him. One of dozens of identical doors lining the street. It had been six weeks since that day up the mountain. When the bear had taken him, it hadn't been rape, hell he'd...

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Out of the frying pan into the fire -Commission

Well this wasn't how Chris had seen his service ending, still he hadn't planned for such a long war. He'd expected that since the alliance of humans, lapines and canines had completely expelled all the invading dragos from their worlds peace would have...

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Ashes to asses

Ashes to Asses A holiday of a lifetime, that's what his parents had promised if he got straight A's in his A levels. He'd given up his social life, practically became a hermit, worked day and night to get the grades he needed, then the day had come....

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