The babysitter Chapter 4

#4 of the babysitter \*attention\* diaper wearing ahead, but no use. don't forget to leave some feedback. i love input.

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"you make a better baby doll than my last babysitter," remarked the seven year-old conversationally as she went to work getting kayla dressed, just as the babysitter had just so dressed her.

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"you make a better baby doll than my last babysitter," remarked the seven year-old conversationally as she went to work getting kayla dressed, just as the babysitter had just so dressed her.

Chocolate for Dad

The babysitter exclaimed upon seeing the two in quite a position. katie whipped her head around as the babysitter entered, "oh! sorry mary. it's just that... dan got home early."

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#1 of babysitting series babysitting     a young fox, 17 years old, named devin, decided to becom... babysitting a young fox, 17 years old, named devin, decided to become a babysitter for the summer season.

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A New Line of Work

Sinopa didn't need a babysitter for his two sons; he needed a babysitter for his son and himself.

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Babysitting hell

#4 of school of hard knocks: a home for the not-so-normal pokemon babysitting hell- school of hard knocks episode 4 pikachu arrived at the house of her first job of the semester.

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A Quiet Night

The little cub replied, swishing his tail behind him as he hugged his babysitter. gothbear chuckled as he gently returned the hug, then patted the cub's bottom. "so, what would you like to do, little one?" he asked.

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Lisa’s Mission

Then his gaze turned to his babysitter. already a wide smile was on her face, "do you know what time it is?" "it's pizza time!!"

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Stud-sitting Part 1

It was mostly milking cows and babysitting his three kids though." she had already given the interview up as a wash at that point so she saw no reason to try and glam herself up now.

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Babysitting Part 2

#2 of babysitting series babysitting part 2     devin, a 17 year old fox, babysitting jess, a 6 y... babysitting part 2 devin, a 17 year old fox, babysitting jess, a 6 year old fox, was the first to wake up.

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