The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl
He reached into the coffin and pulled at the golden rod, prying it from the grasp of the decaying ruler. the second it left the grip of ometeotl, an unnatural gust of wind blasted through the chamber.
Some Kind Of Angel (part 1)
This _is_ a coffin. would you look at that!"
EndBringer - Verse Four - Coffin Fodder
# _verse four: coffin fodder_ there was a nip in the autumn air; this night was colder than the last. richard wanted to do up his jacket but he needed to keep it loose in case he had to draw.
Demon Torture
Shortly after this was done, genocider was mummified, thrown into a special iron coffin with a hole for his cock and balls to hang out, and the iron coffin was then filled with molten lead.
They will... be in... their coffins... we can... kill them... as they... slumber in... their coffins... they will... not sense... you here... once my... scent masks... your scent..."
Otaku No Ecchi Vampires (TFTG, man>female vampire, non-furry)
Circe looked at the huge coffin shaped grandfather clock in the corner (the kind of thing no vampire should be without), "it's going to be dawn soon. my coffins big enough for two, but would you like me to have one brought up?"
The Demon and the Raven
Most of the stone was dark, but here and there some of the coffins glowed with a faint sense of answering energy. nothing big enough to be the demon, but someone that might have seen something.
Forbidden Love 3 - Finally
He ran down the hill, yelling " wait stop dont bury that coffin!" everyone looked at him funny. he convinced them to raise the coffin out of the hole. they undid the lock and opened it. the female lion morph gasped, then fainted. the coffin was empty.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 90
Chris muttered before jolting and stepping aside when the coffin, now a cofagrigus, float past him.
My Grand, Frozen Heart-FINALE
When it was time to look at the open coffin, i approached it wearily. pink and white carnations with orchids sat on the end of a grey, open coffin. the insides were covered with white cloth surrounding it.
Summer FY 03 - Part of the Family
His father met them a few feet in front of the coffin barring the way. "dad, what do you think you are doing?"
Chapter Six: The End?
They stand in front of four holes in the ground; four coffins come into view and get laid down into the harnesses that lower the coffins into the ground by many furs carrying them. "we gather here today to mourn the lives of four kitsunes."