Humans and Dragons
The dragon raised an eyebrow. "why not?" the human looked at the dragon, at the masked kobold and back at the dragon. "he's a male and i'm not into this." the dragon chuckled. "don't be silly, silly. don't you want to please me?
Maze of the Dragon
"the saldrin worshipped a dragon god named armis." he said. "armis, in all texts and literature was symbolized as a dragon with a skull for a head.
A Dragon Scorned
And before anyone (see no one) asks, the titular dragon isn't actually a dragon, so to speak. if anyone wants to know more, feel free to ask me.
Gift of Dragon
You lift off the fucking \*ground\*, soaring through the air by your scrotum until they finally connect, slamming against the dragon's sac. the dragon just smiles and-- was that a \*wink\*?
Dragon's Descent
A dragon. cho'gath sneered. not just any dragon, no. the same one that had ambushed them before. now that he looked closer, it was all so clear. even in this form, she was only half a dragon.
Dragon Ambitons
#37 of commissions commission story for shy001 a sequel to the dragon prince story, donell is conflicted with a decision he has no choice in, involving him becoming a full fledged dragon.
Here Be Dragons
**here be dragons\
The Changeling's Dragon
"why don't you go find a nice dragoness to love?" the dragon spews angrily. "what a joke! i'm the only dragon nice enough to even talk to ponies, let alone talk to a dragon that affiliates with them..."
Dragons And humans
Well these dragons are around spyros height. these mini-story series may end up being from the perspective of a different dragon or human every time but i'm not sure as i have to see how it turns out.
Dragon Mountain
With the dragon angling his body upwards once again, in the same fashion that threw dark upon the shaft at the beginning, he was able to see that each pectoral in and of itself was larger than the dragon's head.
Dragon Be-Were!
As he had guessed, this was her first time as a dragon. she had tried to coerce a bull or two, but they were deathly afraid of her dragon form.
The Dragon's Servant
The dragon asked, smiling at the smaller slave dragon.