Task Force - Perspective
#6 of task force video playback helmet cam: c210 the white world passed beneath the aircraft as it sped across the tundra.
Task Force - Extraction
#12 of task force as i sat on the spirit of silence, being shuttled to allan air force base, my mind began to wonder.
Task Force - Departure
"task force, let's move out!" we arrived at the armory to find several large crates open in the room.
[Request] Forced Relaxation
I've been taking a few short story requests again over on Tumblr, with the constraint that they have to be stories about my own existing characters. Here are the results! If you've got an idea of your own, I may still try to write a few more, so feel...
Joining Forces, P4
We look forward to joining forces with you..."
Joining Forces, P3
The lights in the facility were now on and when he examined himself he saw that he was neither made of rubber nor being force-fed a giant latex cock.
Joining Forces, P2
"my only guess is that they took the facility by surprise and with a large force," the tabby replied as he closed his laptop again.
Joining Forces, P1
The night was cold as the two made their way across the grass of the woods, the darkness broken only by the nearly-full moon above them. Though they had flashlights that dangled from the heavy packs they wore neither of them dared turn them on. Both...
21 - Unstoppable Force
._ chapter -21- unstoppable force _macbeth_... **"wait! i'd like to make a deal with you. don't just leave me here."** krystal groaned.
Tour de Force
They immediately encountered a hostile force.
Forced to be a Neko Kitten
Her paw closed on the back of his neck, forcing him down with a squeal, nose pushing into the bowl of milk, messily slopping it over his face, marking his chin, dribbling down.
Granite and weak forces
It had been practiced widely -- hundreds of years ago -- but by today's standards, it was considered a weak force.