dinosaur island

The impact fragmented the jacketed hollow point round, which fragmented into a thousand pieces, fragments exploding from the other side of the creature as the bullet lost all its momentum.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 1

The young dragon regained his consciousness on a floating piece of marble floor, around him there were chunks of rock hovering in the air, not far away he_ _could see another fragment of the floor, the same fragment he woke up on was spinning wildly in the

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000 Readme

Since i've abandoned the idea of completeness, each individual fragment relates mainly to the others that are closest to it and those that are in the same folder, such that all of the pieces are parts of a wider whole.

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First Moon

"you have exposed yourself to fragments of the moon stone, which will make you all the more bloodthirsty wolf. now all you need is this." adrian took of the necklace that had the larger fragment of the moon stone.

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Mixed Tale 0 - Prelude to Chaos

The axe met the metal shaft of isaad's mace, and he riposted, swinging it away and smashing his mace into the skull of the skeleton, crushing it into fragments.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 11

Next the creature explores its environment, and finds another crystal fragment. it moves over the fragment and absorbs it, putting the added energy to use in moving faster. it finds more fragments and begins to search for them.

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The Bloody Paw Prints

Maybe there were other fragments out there as well, and other fragments mean that he could gather them and make himself into a god.

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Closing the Skin

The she-beast scampered off on all fours, her feet pattering against fallen leaves and fragrant fragments of a cute girl's dress clothes; completely--and carnally--content.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 4

There we will seek transportation to sirius b, where an osiris fragment is said to lie.

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-010]

'this sword fragment could help me. he's distracted, he thinks he won. he's wrong.' akira jumped behind kayla and grabbed the fragment. it was so sharp that it easily pierced in akira's palm. 'damn, that hurts,' he thought.

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Wess, All in a Days' Work

If failure occurs they will enter the world in similar, yet different ways, the weasel boy would still be a fragment of the girl of fox.

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