The Deep End
The Bridge (CH1, 2 & 3)
To ensure the letter was not to be read by the enemy eyes it needed a keyword to be deciphered, which the king himself whispered at verik's ears. they were the only ones who knew it.
A Fillyfox's Christmas
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=kalan+anara]( [
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=arian%20mabe - sellfy: i take any and all commissions! --- a short story collection composed of individual stories that lead in to a greater storyline.
Lenny Snart's journal
Dumbass with the heart of gold and the self righteousness of a martyr, "martyr" is the keyword here, not too long back he went and got his self killed by professor zoom, now it's up to me and the other idiots to keep him from destroying the city, i liked it
Cubi Problem Solving (Part 1)
This was always so much easier with her tablet, where she could use keyword searches, but like many, this particular realm didn't allow electronics to function. "uhh, i can't find the way home like this, but i might have a safe spot for now."
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=arian%20mabe - sellfy: i take any and all commissions! --- a short story collection composed of individual stories that lead in to a greater storyline.
Reasons for Staying
If the keywords bother you, don't read the story. i will say, however, the violence and sex do not take place upon the child. "fuck me! oh, fuck me!"
Ninety Nine Red Ships Go By-Chapter One
Also, a few of you may notice the death keyword, it's basically an npc and there's no viollence and no details...yet so don't worry about that! if you guys like this, please comment saying so!
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=arian%20mabe - sellfy: i take any and all commissions!
Hemingway's War
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=arian%20mabe - sellfy: i take any and all commissions!
You Told Me
Url=search-alias%3daps&field-keywords=arian%20mabe - sellfy: i take any and all commissions! **you told me** clip, clop, clip, clop. any fur could hear me approaching from a mile away.