Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 11, 12, 13
No-one anyway understood more because the rest went down in the hissing the hand lasers and grumble of the laser guns. it appeared like a bloodbath. one recognized the positions of the drones by their treacherous aim lasers merely.
The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP1
Both tri-fighters barrel rolled out of the way, but one was clipped by ghost leader's laser fire.
Monster Rumble in the City
The laser struck him dead on, a shout escaping him as the warmth of the attack infused his entire body.
Bulletproof Heart The Forward
With the fabulous killjoys; their leader party poison a red headed cheetah with a yellow laser pistol. he wears a blue motorcycle jacket and acid washed jeans, the second in command is his brother also a cheetah he is blond with a red laser pistol.
There was a metal table in front of them, and a laser grid between them and judson. what could he do? the menacing tendrils of evil green energy approached further, penetrating the laser grid moving towards each of the mammals' heads.
When the screen showed 'locked on', the mouse pressed the enter key and the gun shot out a laser beam directly into krystal's hole. she thought that she was going to be killed but the laser beam did not end her life.
Heroes of Alteria Chapter 3: Kiren Escape
The tower's going to shoot out a red targeting laser. the laser is going to be right about where you're standing so say your prayers now cuz' once i accelerate there's no going back." jeeve gave a small nod and said "i understand!
The Radical Beginning: Part One
His laser fire shattered the windshield of the first one, spraying the commandos inside with glass.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 68
Mick shouted, as the ground around the interceptors was suddenly pelted with lasers and machine gun fire!
Land of Discord Prologue: A Bizarre Adventure
Why is a bone dragon shooting rainbow laser? why is there even someone using a bazooka? what's weird, why is segara shooting lasers through his fingers?
Chapter Nineteen -- Love Not Human, Redux
Miyatsu had a bare instant to spare as the laser swiveled in his direction. it was just enough time to throw himself in a sideways somersault to avoid the beam.
Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR
Feeling alarmed he tried nudging the nose of his arwing up, bringing him closer to the wall of laser fire. a fresh volley of weapons fire joined, and he ducked back low, the threat of those lasers was too great!