Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 11, 12, 13

No-one anyway understood more because the rest went down in the hissing the hand lasers and grumble of the laser guns. it appeared like a bloodbath. one recognized the positions of the drones by their treacherous aim lasers merely.

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The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP1

Both tri-fighters barrel rolled out of the way, but one was clipped by ghost leader's laser fire.


Monster Rumble in the City

The laser struck him dead on, a shout escaping him as the warmth of the attack infused his entire body.

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Bulletproof Heart The Forward

With the fabulous killjoys; their leader party poison a red headed cheetah with a yellow laser pistol. he wears a blue motorcycle jacket and acid washed jeans, the second in command is his brother also a cheetah he is blond with a red laser pistol.



There was a metal table in front of them, and a laser grid between them and judson. what could he do? the menacing tendrils of evil green energy approached further, penetrating the laser grid moving towards each of the mammals' heads.

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When the screen showed 'locked on', the mouse pressed the enter key and the gun shot out a laser beam directly into krystal's hole. she thought that she was going to be killed but the laser beam did not end her life.

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Heroes of Alteria Chapter 3: Kiren Escape

The tower's going to shoot out a red targeting laser. the laser is going to be right about where you're standing so say your prayers now cuz' once i accelerate there's no going back." jeeve gave a small nod and said "i understand!

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The Radical Beginning: Part One

His laser fire shattered the windshield of the first one, spraying the commandos inside with glass.

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Land of Discord Prologue: A Bizarre Adventure

Why is a bone dragon shooting rainbow laser? why is there even someone using a bazooka? what's weird, why is segara shooting lasers through his fingers?

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Chapter Nineteen -- Love Not Human, Redux

Miyatsu had a bare instant to spare as the laser swiveled in his direction. it was just enough time to throw himself in a sideways somersault to avoid the beam.

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Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR

Feeling alarmed he tried nudging the nose of his arwing up, bringing him closer to the wall of laser fire. a fresh volley of weapons fire joined, and he ducked back low, the threat of those lasers was too great!

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