Lord and Master (Goldeneye's backstory) - Part 1: Coalesce
It was a living world, thick with the light of sentience. a billion billion sparks of living creatures: beautiful. unimaginably beautiful.
Yuriko's Infestation
With all those mood altering chemicals going through her, she'll permanently reduced to a low level of sentience. she'll never be anything but a breeder or an incubator. glad to see you decided to stay with us."
The Merrin, part 15
"not with any sentience. it bears resemblance to plankton and algae." "any idea how it's evolved to survive in caesium without an oxygen source?" his answer comes from above. it starts to rain.
Beta Decay: Rian's Essay ---Part 3
But in that there is hope for sentiency. boredom is a unique emotion. it drives us to make new paths and to forge ahead in productivity in creative ways. our spirits are too grandiose to endure this much longer.
Species Concept: Adipose Puddings
This is also where the matter of their reproduction comes in - with no designated sexual organs, they will often offer to make partners into adipose puddings just the same, converting their mass but retaining their sentience. ...mostly.
RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!
Sentiantkinesis...control sentience 146. solarkinesis...manipulate the sun and create mini suns 147. sonikinesis...manipulate sound 148. spatio-chronokinesis...manipulate space and time 149. spatiokinesis...manipulate space 150.
Bee Stories 4
Am i discovering not only sentience for my species but also spirituality? but enough on that tangent. i would strike it from this record if tik tik would allow me, but she values my asides.
Kino's Opportunity - Part 1
As if my legs had gained sentience, i began to stand from the corner. before i was aware of my own actions; i had unlocked the stall door and peered out.
My Best Friend is a Femboy?! -- the roof top, and bed
Pokemorphs, pokemon with a human body, were incredibly rare and had human sentience. a scientific achievement of team rocket, after they cleaned themselves up.
next life capter 1
Bartender--drink are half off tonight they all should be in 10min his sentience was cut short as a scream rent the air star i thought i run out side as she was pushed in the middle of a gang of foxes and wolfs great i thought.
The Moonweaver Chronicles part 15
"reapers aren't without intelligence and sentience, some of the weaker ones have joined our cause even, those that cannot be reasoned with seek to take over."
Chapter 10- Blades of Will
Where once there was a sleepy non-sentience, now there was still that presence, but no longer sleepy, and focused purely upon the idea of 'katana'.