Breaking and Making Soldiers 5 (Finale)
You are not an ideal tool - certainly not conditioned enough for the full use that we had in mind - but he did create a suitable serum for a super soldier.
E.H.G.T.H (Intro)
The serum i gave you was an experimental serum that could give someone increased intelligence, amazing strength and agility, and the ability to heal themselves at will." this training continued for 2 weeks.
A Hypnotically Tasty Nightcap
Hypnotized more by the concoction perhaps than the serum, arc never verbally answered.
Any Icy Stare (2/2)
"the serum would still be active after all this time?" frankie said in awe.
2020 A.D. Part 0 [unfinished]
They were able to produce a serum that could heal severe, if not deadly, injuries within a few minutes. however, the lupain had trouble producing this serum, because their resources were limited.
2020 A.D. Teil 0 *Unfertig*
Dieses serum nur sehr schwer herstellen, da ihre ressourcen begrenzt waren.auch hatte das serum nebenwirkungen, diese waren unter anderem das auftreten von geisteskrankheiten, fieber und durchfall.
Batter Up [PTRN][RWD]
He wasn't about to risk his life over a serum that he knew little about.
Facility- Chapter 2
I also notice that in the mix of this is the original serum as one of the components. apparently there is probably a lot that the original serum does that cannot be simply replicated. and then we have the last few.
Expanding Your Military Service
Naturally, he had inquired about the source of the serum, wondering how they came up with the idea and technology for a literal super-solider serum.
Sex R&D part 5 - The Return Phase
I have a couple ideas for other little serums that i'm eager for the sexy pharmaceutical company to produce.
Exhibitionism Stream Story 10: Mongoose Bait
The sudden anal combined with the desperate need awakened by the serum and the blowjob pushed him over the edge. havok came hard, spurting his load up the mongoose's hole.
Robert and Trish - Applying for a Job - Ch 2
The serum took to his veins and quickly spread through him. as it passed through his stomach, it began absorbing the matter from the bar he'd eaten.