Wasteland Survivor – Training and consequences - ch27

snipers should be used as scouts the problem is a lone sniper is all but useless, you need a team of them, at least two. so i guess i do what i came here originally to, train snipers." he explained.

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The Road to Kashi

A rookie sniper is at level 1-4, an intermediate sniper is at level 5-7, good snipers are at 8, absolute masters are at level 9 and legends were at level 10.

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Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 part 2

The snipers must have missed one because the next thing i knew, two of my rookies were chopped up by machine gun fire.

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Chapter Eight

That meant the assassin was probably using a silenced sniper rifle of some description. janus had a plan. he quickly turned, shooting a few rounds into the same pane of glass that the sniper's bullets had come through, causing it to shatter.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Four

"sniper maybe? someone targeting dogs." joseph said skeptically as he tried to piece together what may have happened. "not even a sniper bullet could have done that much damage."

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Day of rebirth Chapter 2

From then on, the auckland sniper god was inherited by a border collie dennis: "it's too thrilling." pluton: "interestingly, eric is now the auckland sniper god." dennis: "pluton, let me tell you something. do you like me?"

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Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 Part 1

'snipers' i thought to myself. don't get me wrong i have nothing against snipers, they're great guys at the best of times just most tend to be loners or idiots who want to do the whole, "oh i'm a sniper, i'm like a lone ranger, i'm so tough and macho."

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Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 1)

How do we take out the snipers though? we don't have air support or any tanks." the colonel chuckled. "relax, lieutenant. we have a sniper of our own."

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After Armageddon Chapter 7

The snipers were arranged into three teams of two with each team consisting of a spotter and a shooter. the teams were arranged so that the entire building was surrounded by snipers and all of the other teams would have sniper cover.

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2:8 Darkness Falls

He replied, then sprung to his feet and ran in the direction of the sniper. alias dodged several cars as he sprinted at full speed across the street and toward the alley that was next to the building where the sniper had taken his shots.

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A New Life in a New Body: The Mission Pt 2

A New Life in a New Body The Mission Part 2 Well for the next couple of days we just hung out, doing touristy things as not to raise suspicion. I feel...

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