A Grande Ofensiva à Casa de Mármore

Provavelmente por causa de minha condição: tenho a sensibilidade estética de um adulto e o autocontrole de uma criança. após o ocorrido, voltei pra casa, mortalmente envergonhado e ainda chorando.

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Windmills of the Mind 2

"well, i got a tiger to talk to, and then there's also the case for uma. "uma...? jay's heart drops. he grabs her arm, tugging it. "what about uma? is she okay?" "she's fine... mostly, i think," arya says, frowning.

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Udu Chant 3

Arya fought off uma's trap, but something she heard triggered something deep within her. now, she's in for a journey, but where will it lead her?

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O problema de Magnésio, última parte.

Magnésio assentiu uma vez mais e deitou-se. horas depois, magnésio acordou, sentindo alguém sugar-lhe uma teta. ele olhou para baixo e viu dois rattatas se alimentando dele.

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Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 5

uma chimed in softly. 'how to we know she won't just gunge her and then go back on her promise.' uma too had worked out that cobalt's promise wouldn't come with the most predicable of prices for her bravery.

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A Tentação das Plantas Proibidas

Max aproximou-se de uma das plantas. ele queria sentir o cheiro.... mas, quando ele sentiu o maravilhoso cheiro da planta, ele sentiu uma vontade louca de marcá-la com seu próprio cheiro.

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Black Betty Part 1

"you're planning something bad with uma. i know i can't save her from what she wants, but i can save her from making a mistake that will get her arrested or killed."

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A volta pra casa.

A urina de cheiro forte correu pela uretra de max, fazendo umas coquinhas. o vapor do líquido subia, carregando consigo o cheiro, o qual max inalava com prazer e satisfação, enquanto sentia seu corpo ficar mais leve.

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I'm Glad 'cause I'm Finally Returning Home 2

Through his chewing, he continues, saying, "whatever uma did to you must have been some pretty serious shit if you were tripping that hard."

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To the Outlands and Back

I spent enough time with uma to reduce my testosterone to normal levels. i took another cab across town the next day, all the while with my brain working overtime. i was still intent on finding out who this killer was.

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Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 6

uma admitted. 'i suppose if she wanted to...do more to her, she wouldn't have let her out.'

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