Embertooth - Chapter 4: Sway
That would have made koi and zèon extremely vulnerable, especially now the arctic fox wasn't even... conscious. he gave zèon a long look again and sighed.
Sanctuary: The Meeting
He wasn't all that sure that an arctic fox could look like it was going to faint any minute from fatigue and blood loss.
The man on the Bus, Under the hat
What happened next was an event that left the occupants of the bus, except the driver, more frightened of the giant akubra wearing man than the arctic fox with the gun.
Vadim, Chapter 4: The Handsome Truth
Delano, my name is vadim sosnovka, and i'm an arctic fox. my parents didn't kick me out, they were killed on the massacre day, and i've been dying my fur and staying out of trouble ever since then.
Blood on Ice - Chapter Eight
"if there are any ships left, send three out to find the fleet the leakhos has agreed to lend us," the arctic fox ordered. the arctic fox looked up and toward us, and the group of guards that had gathered in a corner.
Vadim, Chapter 8: A Cavernous Adventure
"it's always nice to meet another arctic fox, vadim. oh, and if you were wondering about your friends, they were taken to a different area because they are not arctic foxes. so they have to be checked to make sure they are not part of the police force.
Frostpaw - Chapter 1: Routine
The arctic fox took only some milliseconds to react. silently, he raised his paw and stared intently to sophia, questioning.
The arctic fox scanned the restaurant. "well," he said, lowering his voice again, "see that leopard at the table by the poster of 'arabian nights'?" they all looked.
Between Two Foxes
The words sent a shiver of anticipation down the arctic fox's spine.
The Murdered Sun
"just makes you wonder ... you know, if the wasps can do that to the arctic foxes ... what's stopping them from taking out the rest of us?"
Coffee and Cream (Commission for Morokai)
Usually he shied away from anything that embarrassed him like this, but for some reason the arctic fox's smooth, soft curves and clean white fur held his attention.
Inside, the raccoon was tickled by the irony that he was currently made-up as an arctic fox.