Chapter 19: polishing up long forgotten skills -Alex learns the skills of blindness

We made it pass without alex having a panic attack, heading to my place to study for a up coming test in history.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Seven

Trust me, the last thing _anyone_ wants to hear in the middle of a panic attack is to stop panicking. but...that didn't mean he was wrong. i hugged my chest, squeezing myself tight, and took a deep breath.

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He's a being of few words, is quiet and soft spoken, and can have panic attacks if put around too many people at the same time. that said, you put him in a combat situation and he's a machine in his element.


Golden Chains 1

She curls up, hyperventilating, but even as the panic attack sets in, she knows she isn't alone. gold gasps as she looks over her shoulder, beyond the world of her cage, but she is no longer in a cage.

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The Door (Ch. 12)

Barry focused on keeping his voice calm and steady, and trying to make sure to speak in short and simple sentences, as was necessary to help calm someone having a panic attack.

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As i stare into the mirror i see a demon an abomination whenever a child is called they suffer from panic attacks or even seizures. thank god i've never had a seizure but what i'm having is a panic attack. i'm calm now though so that's good.

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Another Tradgedy, a hospital visit, and a double date.(Chapter 9)

I don't think you should go through the rest of school after nearly having a panic attack like that." kevin just nodded in agreement. he walked slowly to the nurses office, his shoulders slumped.

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Now I Know Who's a Better Kisser

Without control of himself, lingering on the edge with his panic attack, another personality burbled beneath the surface.

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A Dream Chp: 4 Joseph and Kelvin

I get off the bed and notice i'm in my casual clothes, i look around and i see a bag over on the desk, i walk over to it, look in and almost start having a panic attack when i see those strange furless things.

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This is a panic attack.. my lip quivered slightly as if i was about to cry, but i instead of crying i felt even more tired. my eyes started to close.. "nono, get up. you can't sleep right now." cj's voice told me.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 11: Loss, gain, and uncomfortable discovery

Now over his little panic attack, maverick's gaze shifted over to his girlfriend, still sleeping peacefully. a smile graced his lips as he watched her sleep; she was such an amazing pony, so cute, and with a strong will to back her big mouth.

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508 Hobbamock Tavern

Terrowne watches for any awkward signs of panic attack, sees none, then proceeds the rest of the way down the stairs, giving them plenty of time and chance to back out of following him.

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