Transcend - Part 3
She planted her forehooves and sprinted hard down the length of the road as royal guards seemed to appear from everywhere. every turn she tried to take was blocked off by a spear-wielding royal guard. she would have to flee into the forest and hide.
Breaking Point
The presence of the royal guards was now quite clear. -your majesty!- aria said. she bowed hurriedly, feeling her pulse quicken.
Capture and Sacrifice
Each of the eight royal guards with him had grappling lines of their own and flung them. hurriedly they began to ascend, the bulky ganesh climbing surprisingly easily despite his size.
Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero
I had been a royal guard since i came of age, yet i had no heroics to show for it.
The Bargain at High River
The royal guard never told of what happened after the nobles had fled, nor of the way the king doted upon the otter during his recovery.
To Hide a Lord
No one knew about this spot, and he would often hide up here when his father sent the royal guards to find him.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 8
I barged through the door with the harbinger in my paw to see jericho sitting on the throne with the wolven royal guards protecting him. i then saw what i had been looking for, he was alive.
Praetorian Guard
"i appreciate your faith in the royal guards," i said, trying not to cringe. i hated our title.
The History Of Zato
Multiple roars sounded out as pink commanded the royal guards, the normal army already being prepared by ruby and veon.
Antecedent 3
She also saw a royal guard in full armour watching her from the shadows.
chapter 1 Get Up!
Wail you are there you can do you first duty as the captain of the shadow guard and cheek in on the royal guard that is there." said luna "if that is my assignment i wail do it princes." i said a little bummed out that i had to work wail on leave.
The Moon need friends too part 9
Will decide on your are all dismissed now go ,that is a direct order. " luna said still in her royal canterlot voice,to the royal guards. as soon as she finished talking to the guards,who quickly left. getting away from luna rage.