Walking Around

The light boils down to a point where I find a penny. I take it and walk along to see that I find myself in a room. It has dust floating about and I have no idea why I'm there. I try remember, but it is for naught. So, I shrug and go on about my...

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Walks of Life

We all walk from far along Curious and beaten, some bruised and scared walk onwards towards different goals Towards different lights set out on our own with only hopes and dreams We all come from somewhere Terrible or grand, Good or bad We all...


The Walk Home

"Oliver, for the last time, stop tapping and put the pen down, or I'm going to send you down to the office." Mrs. K's sharp voice startled me, and I bolted up right, the pen clattering to the floor. Hushed giggles erupted around me. I could feel the...

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Christmas Walk.

Walking through the snow, Showing all things to grow. The life of it all. A bright morning sun, It's rays dancing through the tree tops. Canines holding paws, Tails wagging happily. Pulling you closer to me, Squeezing your paw tight. I lean to...

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We walk

My paws ache, and yet I must walk Cries going unanswered, my voice dying in the dark An endless path before me calling me onward I have no choice, I must walk The truth comes out unwarranted It draws the hungry eyes, eyes I cannot meet I am...

The Walk Back

Amanda walked along the small path, feeling the small rocks crunch under her shoes. Huge dark clouds sprawled lazily across the night sky. The moon was huge - silvery and fat. Brian walked beside her, not close enough for her liking. This was their...

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A walk in the woods

A Walk In The Woods By: Icy-Wolf Corbett and Icy-wolf It was a cool day, when Icy-Wolf went for a walk; he normally stayed on the dirt path, but today he decided not to. Looking around, Icy felt calm. Taking a deep breath in, Icy sighed and kept...

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Winner's Walk

The black and white ball sailed through the humid summer air, towards the large net. A fourteen year old young boy in a yellow and green uniform made a frenzied dive, missed, and the soccer ball went into the net. The goalie fell to the grassy earth...

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A Walk in the Snow

The weather was unseasonably cold, but that didn't bother Thunder at all; he knew how to beat the cold. He trotted happily in the snow, his brown fur standing out from the lustrous white of the heaven's version of "shaved ice". The sun hid behind a...

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Walking In The Night

_Hey everyone!_ _Here it is, at last, the newest chapter of my series! Sorry for keep you waiting for this for so long! But it is good to be back to writing, and I am planning for so much now...

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an unusual walk

# An unusual walk standard disclaimer do not read if you are not 18 yadda yadda if you are enjoy! Nevada (who prefers to be called frosty) heard his friend Cody say goodbye just as the door to the office closed behind him. So frosty...

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The walk home

The walk home this was written by [IB: SugarRush](http://www.inkbunny.net/SugarRush) [Link to the original story](https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=157592) A black, new looking car honked it's horn in rapid succesion as it slowly passed...

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