Adoptive Needs Chapter Three - Instincts
#2 of adoptive needs mitch gets coaxed into taking a swim with his sister, and instincts come to play once more. adoptive needs chapter 3 - instincts mitch grumbled slightly, perking an ear up as he heard his name being called.
Adoptive Needs Chapter one - Urges
adoptive needs 1 - urges grumbling, the wolf morph wandered around the yard, he had gotten kicked out of the house by the nanny, ruth. "this sucks." muttering slightly.
Adoption 2: A new Phaze in life.
Then i get adopted by the one person who didn't see a freak, but a person. she took me in when others laughed at me." "things will be different son. all we're asking for is one more chance to make thins right." ben said.
Daddy Kenny Adopts Puppy You
You didn't know what was happening at first. "There you are, puppy!" All you knew was the sensations of a pair of big fuzzy golden mitts resting on your shoulders, the hot breath of some big hulking predator looming just behind you, and faint...
two moms who adopted an egg
They are a couple that adopted an egg in the year 2352, after finding the egg, they were allowed by the government to adopt it. they still don't know from which species the egg originated.
The Commission Zone: Adoption, Not Just For Kids
Congrats on the new adoptions." the sight of kim wrapping star in a baby leash caused fudge to break down into giggles after a short time.
Cuckolding her son, Adopting a Sister
"He's been a real sweetheart, his father still doesn't know." "Really? Totally Clueless?" "Oh yes, out with his loser friends most of the time." The two women laughed, one a gorgeous older vixen and the other a taller female equine. Both were...
Hello, Mister!
This led allen to consider adopting as he went to a local adoption agency one afternoon in may. as he started to review profiles of children waiting to be adopted, allen wasn't exactly sure what kind of child he wanted.
Little Sis
My sister's name is sophie, and though she was adopted (as obvious by our species, me being a goat and her being a fox) and only in the family for less than a year, we considered her part of the family.
Allen and Penny (Episode 5)
Allen and Penny (Episode 5): The House Guest Once Penny started taking her yiffberries like a good girl, she got plenty of love from her father in the weeks that followed the end of fox mating season. It was a good thing too since Penny's body was...
Medical Detektives
"do you want to adopt him?" "of course i want but.... am i really allowed to?" she asked in fear. "well.... "i said while i pointed over to sam and lilli. "don´t ask me. ask them. " "can i really adopt your son?"
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.4)
"so adopting early, with birthdays as close as possible, came down to be the better option in our mind.